Chapter 13

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After several rounds of laser tag and arcade games later, the arcade shuts down for the night. Out of our group of nine, only the boys, me, and Ed are left.

"Who won at laser tag again?" Ed asks with a serious expression as all of us walk out the door, as if he genuinely didn't know who won. 

"We did!" Ed, Harry, and I exclaim simultaneously.

"We get it, we get it." Liam says with a small smile on his face.

"A bit mad, are we, Payno?" I sarcastically ask Liam. Before Liam can answer, Niall drags Liam back inside.

"Zayn, you too, man!" Niall calls.

"What are they up to?" I hear Ed ask Harry and I; neither of us answer because Harry is whispering something in my ear, and I am straining to hear him. "Hey, boyfriends." Ed calls again.
I stop walking in an attempt to hear Harry better.

"Really?" I whisper, surprised, as I cover my huge grin with my fingers.

"Yeah." Harry replies, matching my joy and surprise.

"Lads, we're outside now, as in public, as in people could see you." Ed warns us. "What were you even talking about anyway?"

"That's none of your business, mate. And, it's nearly 1:30 Ed, who's gonna be outside at this time?" I reply.

"Still, just looking out for you guys." Ed defends.

"Thanks for looking out for us, Ed." Harry assures Ed as he pats Ed's shoulder. I take a deep breath at Harry's action before brushing my fingers against Harry's free hand. Harry understands and casually removes his hand from Ed's shoulder. Ed, Harry, and I are talking about the night's events, when we hear screaming emerge from the building. All three of us turn simultaneously, and we see Niall, Liam, and Zayn running towards us, spraying us with silly string.

"Who are the winners now!" Niall yells. I look around and notice that Ed, Harry, and I are covered in silly string. The whole group is laughing, except for Harry. He is wearing the shirt I bought him for his birthday, and he looks pissed off.

"What's wrong, baby?" I say as I gently hold Harry's forearm. He is trying to pick the silly string off of his shirt, but grows more frustrated when it doesn't come off.

"It's a fucking new shirt, dumbasses!" Harry exclaims, ignoring me, as he grabs the silly string can out of Liam's hand and starts to spray him back. Liam screams as he runs away from Harry, but Harry chases him. I can tell that Harry is really mad that his new shirt is dirty, because he almost never swears; well, unless he's mad or drunk. At some point, all the cans run out of silly string. Niall whines as his can gives its final sprays, and kicks it across the parking lot.

"Niall, go get that." Paul scolds Niall. Niall protests, but ultimately retrieves the can and throws it out, along with the other two as punishment.

"Where did you even get the silly string?" I ask as our laughing dies down and we all manage to catch our breaths.

"We made a little pit stop before picking you two up earlier." Niall explains. I look over to Harry, and I can tell he's still pissed off.

"Come here, babe, let's go get you cleaned up." I say in the same tone I would talk to a child in. Harry takes my extended hand as I lead him to one of the only street lights in the parking lot. The light is nearly at the other end of the parking lot, so we are completely alone. I start to focus on picking the silly string off of my boyfriend, when I hear Harry begin to speak.

"Why did we walk all the way over here to clean my shirt?" Harry asks as he looks down, watching me meticulously clean his shirt. Without looking up, I nonchalantly answer, "because it's dark and this is pretty much the only light out here. There, all better." Harry nods, but he still looks upset.

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