Chapter 7

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I enter the door trailing behind Harry, and can smell his sweet cologne as he passes in front of me. After our stylists touch us up, my band mates and I go into the tidy room to our left to meet the girl who will be interviewing us. The seats are arranged so that there are 3 seats in front and 2 in the back.

From left to right, Harry, Niall, and Zayn sit in the front. Liam and I sit in the back; me being on the right side, farthest away from Harry. Thankfully he doesn't notice, and management seems pleased with my decision. The interviewer is asking us questions about our newest album, Midnight Memories, and what the title means and why we chose it.

"Well, to us it means just having a good time with friends whether it be at a party, on stage, or even on the tour bus." Liam replies. Out of the corner of my eye I see Harry looking over at Liam. I look at him, and we make eye contact. Harry smirks at me as Liam finishes answering the question. I have to look down to my lap to hide my smile because Harry whispers, "midnight memories" with a wink. Niall hears Harry and starts giggling, then we look over at management. One of them nods his head 'no', and my smile starts to fade, but I still think of Harry. As the interview comes to a close after many questions from fans, Liam gets my attention and subtly points his head in Harry's direction. Harry takes his water bottle and takes a sip, slowly, while looking into my eyes. I smile and roll my eyes at him, 'what a tease' I think to myself. When we say our goodbyes to the lady who interviewed us, along with the camera crew, the five of us walk out as a group. "I'm hungry, we should pick up lunch somewhere." Liam says.

"Can we go to Nandos?" Niall asks, sounding childlike. We all laugh at how quick he was to tell us his suggestion.

"So typical of you, Nialler." Harry laughs and puts his arm around Niall's shoulder. Was he doing this on purpose? I mentally ask myself. Zayn looks at me and sees that I notice what Harry is doing, and Zayn and I share a laugh.

"Game on." I whisper to Zayn.

"Zayn, that shirt looks good on you. Is it new?" I speak up so Harry can hear me.

"Yeah, thanks, Louis. I actually bought it a couple of days ago." He happily replies. Harry turns around after me and Zayn's little conversation. He looks me in the eyes and licks his lips, then turns back around and takes his arm off of Niall. Harry fixes his hair by running his fingers through it, which he knows drives me crazy. I take a deep breath and second Niall's offer.

"I guess we can go. You all have to drive in the van, though, and it has to be drive thru." Matt, the bodyguard, says.

"Why do we only have one bodyguard today?" I ask Matt. I think this is odd because we usually have a minimum of 2 at all times.

"Because it's early enough in the morning where not that many people are out." Matt nonchalantly answers. I like him; I decide he isn't mean. When we make it to the black van that we are going to drive to Nandos in, Matt slides the door open and stands beside it as the five of us file inside. There are 3 seats in the row behind the driver's seat and another 3 in the row behind that. I am in the back of the line, with Zayn in front of me, followed by, Niall, Harry, and Liam. Liam sits in the window seat of the front row. Harry sits in the seats behind Liam, and Niall sits next to Harry. When I see this, I squeeze past Zayn and get Niall's attention.

"Niall, can I sit there?" I kindly ask. Harry takes his attention away from the window and enters our conversation.

"Why?" Niall asks. Before answering, I look back at Matt to see if he is paying attention to us. He is not, so I answer.

So I can sit next to my boyfriend." I say as a smile subconsciously forms on my face. Niall nods his head and moves to sit next to Liam, and I move to the back.

"What a gentleman." Harry says about Niall, and Niall turns back to Harry and giggles.When all of us are seated, Matt closes the door and walks around to the driver's seat. Almost simultaneously, Liam, Niall, and Zayn all turn to face me and Harry.

"So...tell us what happened to Harry yesterday!" They all shout. The clamoring of all their voices saying different words at once makes it hard to understand. I look for Harry's eyes, but I can't see his expression in the poorly lit car and with his sunglasses on.

"Babe?" I insist he takes his sunglasses off to show the boys.

"Before that, let me tell you the story." He states.

"So, when we were all dancing in the circle last night, and I was in the middle of it, Louis moved into the center of it, too. I'm not gonna give you details, but the circle was quite small, so him and I were dancing against one another." This got an interpretative giggle from the boys. "I went to the bathroom, and when I was washing my hands, this drunk guy came in and said that he saw me dancing. He told me he followed me to the bathroom and then he started talking shit. I ignored him until he called me and Lou faggots, and I punched him in the jaw. We fought for a couple minutes, but he left before security came to get me." He explains.

"Did you get hurt?" Liam wonders.

"Yeah, I got this little souviner." Harry says as he took off his sunglasses. The boys gasp when they see Harry's dark blue and purple eye. I gently nudge Harry's hand and tug on his sweater so I can see his eye as well. I keep on playing with the sleeve of his sweater, and he smiles.

"Does it hurt? Is that all he did to you?" Niall asks, still observing Harry's black eye. Harry turns back to the boys to answer Niall's question.

"The security guard who found me had to help me walk out, and my body was aching everywhere. I have bruises on my chest and arms, hence the sweater. When Liam dropped Louis and I off last night I felt like I couldn't walk, and I couldn't even get out of the car by myself. I asked Lou to help me into the house and help me get ready for bed and everything. I still kind of ache, but less than yesterday which is good." Harry adds. The boys swoon over the fact that I took care of Harry yesterday, and I blush and look down into my lap.

"What do you all want to eat boys?" Matt calls from the front seat. Harry grabs my hand and gently traces his thumb on it. Liam, Niall, and Zayn all order first, then Harry orders.

"What are you having?" Harry asks me.

"Umm...I'll have whatever you're having." I reply, unaware of what he ordered. After waiting for a couple of minutes, we drive up to the window and receive our food. Luckily, what Harry ordered is good, so I am happy about my decision. Matt finds a parking space and we all talk as we eat our lunches.


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