Chapter 31

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There is only one chapter after this one :( Buuuut I'm writing a few new things!

Mentions self harm scars


Our studio time ended up lasting 9 hours because one of the writers we are working with was late, and then we had to re-record some group stuff for whatever reason. Finally, it is 8:00 and we are walking into the same tattoo parlor for tattoo number two.

"Are you ready, Harold?" I ask. Harry chuckles before replying.

"Honey, you know I handle pain well."

"Well, clearly..." I say under my breath, suddenly slightly upset.

"Hey," Harry says as he stops in front of me, separating us from the group.

"Please don't, Lou. I'm sorry, I fucked up. I just don't want to be constantly reminded of it." Harry quietly huffs.

"Are we even talking about the same thing?" I ask.

"Yes, I think we are." He says, holding up his left arm and quickly flashing his wrist. I take a deep breath before placing a hand on Harry's lower back to get him walking to rejoin the rest of the group.

"How are you gonna get the tattoo if it's on your left wrist?"

"It's on the opposite side of them dummy." Harry teases.

"What if he needs you to lift your hand or something?"

"I'll be fine, Louis. Plus, even if he does see them, I don't think he would talk about it. There's hardly any cars in the carpark so I doubt there's many people inside." Harry ends our conversation as he speed-walks to the door to hold it open for everyone.

"Back again?" The guy behind the counter says.

"Yeah, this time it's this one who's getting tattooed." Zayn responds, pointing to Harry.

"Well, you know where to go, so have a seat and Ben will be with you shortly." Harry nods and leads our group into the room where I got tattooed this morning. Harry sits on the black cushioned chair, and I immediately move my seat next to him.

"Hello! Nice to see you all again." Ben smiles.

"Hi." Harry replies with a warm smile.

"What can I do for you this evening?" Ben asks.

"Well, I was thinking of getting an anchor. On my left wrist." Harry explains. Even though Harry told me not to worry, I can't help but be anxious of someone seeing his scars. Harry and Ben start brainstorming ideas of what Harry wants the anchor to look like. A few minutes pass by, and Ben has left to draw a few anchor designs to see which one Harry likes best. "Lou? You alright?" Harry asks when he turns to me.

"Huh?" I snap out of my thoughts and look at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't want them to see your scars." I mumble, quiet enough so only Harry can hear.

"Sun, that won't happen, alright?" Harry chuckles.

"But what if the security guard sees and tells management? What if-"

"What if what? I'm fine. Don't worry, he won't see them. Even if he does, I doubt he would tell anyone." Harry reassures me, taking my hand in his.

"Alright, do you see any you like?" Ben enters the room and hands Harry the paper. Harry and I both inspect the 3 anchors drawn out on the paper, and Harry quickly points to the one in the center.

"This one." Harry says, showing Ben the tattoo he wants.

"Perfect. I'm gonna go put this on transfer paper and we'll be all set."

"Can you roll your sleeve up please?" Ben asks. Harry makes eye contact with me for a brief moment before rolling his sleeve up, almost to his elbow. This is it, the moment I have been dreading. I subconsciously start to bite my nails, but stop when Harry begins talking to me.

"Do you think it looks good, Louis?" Harry asks. I furrow my eyebrows, trying to understand what Harry is trying to do; Ben hasn't even started the tattoo yet, he just put the design on Harry's skin.

"Yeah," I curiously start, "looks good. What do you think, lads?" I ask Liam, Niall, and Zayn. The three of them agree, and Ben starts his work. "How do you feel?" I ask Harry as Ben is wiping the last of the excess ink off of my boyfriend's skin.

"I'm a bit woozy, but I'll be fine in a couple minutes." Harry responds, pinching the bridge of his nose with his right hand as he momentarily squeezes his eyes shut.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" I offer.

"No thanks, Lou, I'm alright." Harry smiles. After Harry feels better, the security guard drives the five of us to mine and Harry's house.


"Louis!" Harry calls from the living room, where he is laying down on the couch. His feet are resting in Niall's lap, who is preoccupied on his phone.

"Yeah!" I call back from the kitchen.

"Come here! I wanna see your tattoo." I jog to the living room where Harry is laying and hold out my wrist so that Harry can observe the rope. "Looks nice." Harry smiles.

"Are you all staying the night here?" I ask the three boys. They all nod their head yes, and I look at Harry and smile."It's gonna be a fun night." I whisper to Harry.

"How so?" He smirks.

"I have a few ideas..."


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