Chapter 11

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"Wake up, love birds, it's party time!" Niall yells as he jumps on the bed Harry and I were, a few moments ago, sleeping peacefully on. Harry and I are spooning under the covers, and I'm not about to let a crazy Niall keep me from holding Harry.

"Niall, what the fuck?! How much sugar did you have today?" I exclaim as I rub my eyes before returning my arm to resting on the butterfly tattoo on Harry's stomach. Harry and I have been in bed all day, only getting up to use the bathroom and to eat.

"So, tell us," Niall, starts as he ceases jumping and sits down at the edge of the bed, "what have you and the birthday boy done all day?" Liam and Zayn are standing behind Niall, laughing but also slightly embarrassed that the blonde boy disturbed the two of us.

"We just had a relaxing day, really." Harry replies.

"Yeah," I chime, "we watched a lot of movies, and, um..." My mind starts to wander as I think about the event that took place under an hour ago.

"Lou made us breakfast this morning, didn't you, babe?" Harry saves me. I bury my head into his neck and smirk.

"Thank you." I whisper to Harry. Under the covers, Harry starts gently stroking my arm that is wrapped around him.

"Really? What did you make, Louis?" Liam asks.

"I made pancakes and I cut up some fruit on the side. I think it turned out pretty good." Harry nods his head in agreement.

"What time do you guys want to go?" Zayn asks the four of us. I turn to lay on my back, and I put my arm around Harry as he cuddles up to my side. Liam, Zayn, and Niall all coo at this.

"You two are so cute together." Niall says in adoration. Harry giggles as he looks up at me, and I kiss his forehead before answering Zayn.

"Harry and I have to shower before we leave, so maybe 20 minutes?" Liam, Zayn, and Niall, all agree and head downstairs to the living room to wait for us. As soon as they leave, Harry sits up and smacks my chest.

"What was that?" He quietly barks.

"What was what?" I innocently reply as I sit up.

"We watched a lot of movies, and um..." Harry mocks. I can't help but laugh at his impression of me.

"I do not sound like that." I say in between laughs.

"I totally saved that, by the way, I should get an extra present."

"Oh, so we're being greedy now?" I ask Harry sarcastically. "Whatever," I roll my eyes when Harry ignores my remark, "your extra present is a shower with me." I say. Harry's eyes light up, then he remembers that we were going to shower, anyway. He pouts, folds his arms in front of his chest, and refuses to get up. "Come on, don't you wanna go to the arcade?" I say in a sweet voice. I gesture for Harry to get on my back so I can give him a piggy back ride to the bathroom, and he obliges.

"Owww..." Harry groans as he jumps up onto my back.

"What's wrong?"

"My bum is sore." Harry whines.

"I bet it's worth the fun we had, hmm?" I joke. Harry giggles before saying 'yes.'

"Remind me, we need to put the sheets in the wash before we leave."

"Okay, Hazza." I say as I set Harry down on the cool bathroom tiles. We both step into the shower right away, because we didn't bother getting dressed after our "fun" earlier.

After our shower, Harry and I both brush our teeth and get dressed. I sit on the counter as Harry blow dries his hair. I decide to just go out with my damp hair, because it will eventually dry. When Harry is done we both go downstairs to meet with Zayn, Liam, and Niall.

"Ugh, finally! I thought we were gonna grow old waiting for you two!" Niall jokes.

"Yeah, we said 20 minutes 30 minutes ago!" Liam adds.

"Actually, it's only been 23 minutes, so..." I retort in a sassy tone. I grab my keys and lock the door behind me before the five of us file inside the car that is being driven by one of our security guards, Mark. Zayn and Liam sit in the back, and Niall sits in between Harry and I. Normally, I would ask Niall to move, but I let it slide this time because Harry and I spent the whole day together. Harry looks next to him expecting to see me, but he sees Niall instead. He frowns and looks over at me. I smile at Harry before mouthing, "I love you."

"I love you, too." Harry says audibly. Niall looks at Harry confused, and Harry says, "no, I meant Lou. But I love you too Nialler." Niall and Harry both laugh, and I take a deep breath. Then, I go on my phone and text Lou Teasdale to make sure everything at the arcade is set up.

Louis: We're on our way over . Is everything set up yet ?

Lou: Everything is set up we're just adding finishing touches! Harry's gonna love it! Xx

What Harry doesn't know is that all of his friends are going to be there, because we rented out the arcade for the night. I smile to myself as Mark makes his way down the dimly lit road. 'Harry's gonna love this.' I think as Mark drives down the dimly lit road to the arcade.


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