Chapter 8

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"What else do you all have to do today?" Matt asks us after we all finish our lunches. The five of us exchange glances as we try to think of what other obligations we have.

"I don't think we have anything else planned for today. What do you guys want to do?" Harry asks the group.

"We could go see a movie." Liam suggests.

"Mm...there aren't that many good movies out right now, plus the closest theater is nearly half an hour away." Zayn adds.

"Well, we could all go back to my place and watch a movie and just hang out?" Niall offers.

"That sounds good to me." I say. The rest of the boys agree, and Matt drives us all to Niall's apartment. The first thing Harry does whenever he goes to Niall's apartment is sit on his couch. I'm not sure what it is, but Harry absolutely loves Niall's sectional couch. Harry claims it's the most comfortable couch he's ever sat on, and he loves the color, too.

"It's like a pale blue-grey color, like your eyes." He tells me. Niall walks over to the small black cabinet located under his television and lifts up the frosted glass door to reveal his collection of movies.
"Woah, how many movies do you have, Niall?" Liam says, in awe of the amount of DVDs in front of him.

"I'd say around 20-30, it's been a couple of months since I've watched any of these, but I've seen them all at least once." Niall explains. We all start looking through the movies to find one we would all enjoy. I smile when I come across The Hunger Games, which I got Niall for his birthday. "What about this one?" Niall asks as he holds up The Dark Knight. We all agree, especially Liam because he loves Batman. "Before we start does anybody want anything?" Niall asks. He is always so considerate of others; I love that about him.

"May we have a couple blankets, please?" Harry politely asks. Niall walks over to the basket located to the left of the movie cabinet, and pulls out 4 blankets. They are each a different color: one is navy blue, the next a dark, burnt orange, the third a cream color, and the fourth one a light grey.

"I only have four, so two of you are going to have to share." Harry immediately raises his hand, indicating that he and I will share, and Niall throws him the navy blue colored blanket. When Harry catches the blanket, he holds it for a second and leans in to tell me, "these are the softest blankets. Feel, honey." as he hands me the blanket.

"Oh, well Niall's just got all the best stuff, look at him." I quietly remark.

"Hey, don't be sassy. I can't help that Niall has good taste."

"And I don't?" Harry and I start to raise our voices more and more with each word.

"Don't be like that, Boo, please. You know what I mean." Harry lowers his voice to a murmur, so we don't draw attention to ourselves. Niall inserts the movie into the DVD player, and we all get situated on the couch as the movie starts. I sit on the corner seat of the couch with Liam next to me, followed by Niall, then Zayn. Harry is sitting in front of me, getting the 2 seats that form the second leg of the angle to himself. I let Harry have the blanket and I bring my knees up to my chest. About 20 minutes into the movie, Harry starts faintly fidgeting in his seat. I figure he's just getting into a different position, so I don't pay much attention to him. When Harry is still periodically fidgeting after a few minutes, I tap his shoulder and stretch my legs out so that he can sit in between them. Harry covers himself and my legs with the soft blanket, and he leans back so that my chest is supporting his head. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his head, and he rests his hand on my forearm.

After the movie, the boys and I turn to each other to talk about the movie.

"That's probably one of my favorite movies, now. It was amazing!" Liam cheers.

"Course it is, it's got Batman in it!" Niall says with a chuckle. We all laugh, and I look down at Harry because I don't feel him laughing.

"Shhh!" I wave my arm at the boys to get their attention before putting my finger over my mouth, silently communicating for them to be quiet. "Harry's asleep." I explain. Niall quickly gets up, but carefully as not to wake Harry, and takes a picture of us. "Send that to me, please." I tell Niall with a smile. The boys and I continue to talk about the movie, but quietly; I gently play with Harry's curls as we talk. After a few minutes, I feel Harry take a deep breath, and I know that he is awake. He rubs his eyes before looking up at me.

"When did I fall asleep?" Harry wonders.

"I'm not sure, I just know you fell asleep before the movie finished." I reply.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Niall jokes.

"Hi Niall." Harry sleppily replies as he turns to lay on his stomach and buries his head in the crook of my neck, facing away from the boys.

"Awww, aren't you two the cutest." Liam gushes. I smile at Liam, and Harry pretends not to hear.

"Sun, wake up, I have to get up, honey." I whisper to Harry.

"Son?" Niall asks, questioning the nickname.

"No, sun, like sunshine." I explain. Niall nods in understanding. "Harry..." I coo in his ear, extending the "y" sound slightly.

"Mm..?" Harry replies, indicating that he didn't hear me.

"Honey, I have to get up." I softly repeat. With a small groan, Harry sits up and stretches. When he sits up, I, too, stretch, then I walk down the hall to the bathroom. After I use the bathroom, I wash my hands, and splash my face with cool water in an attempt to appear more awake. As I saunter down the short hallway back to the living room, I hear the boys have started a game of Truth or Dare.

"Louis! Truth or dare?" Zayn calls.

"What are we, teenagers?" I chuckle.

"Harry is." Liam replies.

"Not fair! I'll be 19 in 6 days! Plus, I'm an adult right now, I'm 18!" Harry defensively shouts back.

"I'm 21 and I'm dating a teenager." I sarcastically joke, ignoring Harry's remark. I walk back to my seat on the couch and plop down next to Harry, who has the cyan blanket wrapped around him. I turn to Zayn and answer his earlier question, "truth." I say. As Zayn formulates something to ask me, I grow anxious.

"What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone?" Zayn finally asks.

"Ohh, easy one. A couple of years ago, mind you I'm not a cook, I cooked someone a nice dinner. I made chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in Parma ham, with a side of homemade mashed potatoes. It actually tasted pretty good." I casually reply.

"Who did you make that for?" Liam questions.

"This one right here." I say as I point to Harry. Harry looks at me and smiles.

"It was pretty good." He agrees.

"I think I remember that!" Niall exclaims.

"Truth or dare, Nialler?" Liam asks.

"Dare." Niall says, with a hint of adventure in his voice. Liam looks around the room, and quickly comes up with a dare for Niall.

"I dare sit on Harry's lap until the rest of us have had a turn." Liam deviously says. Harry and I make eye contact, and we both laugh because the rest of the boys are laughing. Niall stands up and slowly makes his way over to my expecting boyfriend. Harry pats his legs, inviting Niall to sit down. With a smile on his face, Niall sits down and looks quite comfortable. Harry wraps his arms around Niall's waist so that he doesn't fall. In my mind, I wonder if Harry is enjoying this as much as he looks like he is.


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