Chapter 6

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The next morning, I wake up with Harry's arms wrapped tightly around me. I lay awake, gently stroking Harry's bruised arm. When he lets go of me and moves to face the other side of the room, I turn the same direction and admire the sleeping boy. Soon after, I carefully get out of bed and brush my teeth.

When I turn the bathroom light off, Harry is in the same position I left him, but he has a small smile on his face. I smile as I wonder what he is dreaming of. I quietly walk downstairs to make us breakfast. I pour me and Harry cups of coffee, and make 2 slices of toast with jam for Harry.

When I walk back upstairs, I notice the bed is empty, and the bathroom light is on. I walk over to the bathroom, and see Harry looking in the mirror with his shirt off, tracing his bruises. He sees me in the mirror, because he turns around to give me a hug.

"Good morning, sun. How'd you sleep?" I ask, remembering his happy dream.

"I slept good. I only woke up once or twice." He replies. His deep voice in the morning is like music to my ears.

"That's good. Did your eye hurt any?"

"Yeah, I think that's why I woke up, actually. But it doesn't hurt right now." He says as he picks up his toothbrush.

"I made you breakfast, so just come down when you're ready. Remember we have an interview at 10:30." We both usually wake up pretty early, even today despite the late night, so we have a couple of hours to spare. He nods, confirming that he heard me.

I get dressed, walk downstairs, and go on my phone until Harry comes down for breakfast. Harry enters the kitchen wearing dark blue skinny jeans, black socks, and no shirt. I look up at him and then play music on my phone quietly while we drink our coffee and Harry eats his breakfast.

"Did you eat already?" Harry asks, looking at the empty space in front of me.

"No, I'm not that hungry, I'm kind of hungover." I reply. Harry nods as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the 'I love you's'..." Harry quietly sings along to our song. After that line he looks up at me, and I look into his bright eyes. "This song has a different meaning to me now than it did when we wrote it." Harry confesses.

"It's not always easy with having to constantly hide, but I'm glad I have you." I happily say. When Harry finishes his breakfast, I take his plate as he finishes off his coffee.

"I'll wash the mugs if you wash the plate?" Harry offers.

"Sounds good." I agree. We both clean up and when we finish, Harry looks down at me.

"What?" I ask, blushing.

"Nothing, you just look cute." He tells me, which causes me to blush even more. Harry smiles at me, and his dimples make me want to kiss him so badly. I slowly walk up to him, and wrap my arms around his waist. I back him up so that he is against the wall, and I kiss him. Harry takes my hand and walks us over to the couch to watch television before we head out to the interview. The music on my phone stops because I get a call. It was from Niall.

"Good morning!" I chirp into the phone.

"Hey bud, how are you feeling? I'm a little hungover."

"I am as well."

"How's Harry? What happened to him last night?"

"It's a long story. We'll have to tell all of you after the interview. Harry is here right now, actually. Here, I'll put you on speaker, Nialler. Say hi Harry!"

"Hi Harry!" Harry sarcastically says into the phone before laughing.

"That was a shit joke, I don't know why you're laughing." I jokingly tell him. All he has to do is continue laughing before I start to laugh. Niall is laughing on the other line, as well.

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