Chapter 18

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Half way down the stairs, Harry and I smell the mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked pizza.

"Hey boys!" Niall cheers as he takes a bite of pizza.

"Woah, what happened Haz?" Liam asks.

"I'm fine." Harry spits. His anger has yet to die down completely, but he's relaxed a lot since he broke the mirror.

"Okay, I was just asking." Liam mutters. Harry hears this and stops walking to say something back to Liam, and I know it's not a good idea. I take one of my hands off of his bleeding one, and place it on the small of his back to guide him to the bathroom instead of confronting Liam. Unfortunately, I'm too late, and the hurtful words already left Harry's mouth. "Harry, I'm sorry mate, just try and calm down." Liam says in a comforting tone.

"Sweetheart, let's go get you cleaned up." I say in his ear, trying to escape the escalating situation.

"Piss off, Louis, I'm not a fucking baby I can take care of myself!" Harry snaps as he snatches his bleeding hand out of my grip and moves away from me. Harry's hurtful words hit me like a fucking train. Whatever management said to Harry caused him to be acting this way. Without addressing the boys, I storm to the front door, slide my Vans on, not even bothering to tie them, and swipe my keys off of the key holder.

"Lou, wait..." Niall starts, but I ignore him and keep on going. I aggressively slam the front door shut and am greeted by the bitter February weather. I could care less at this point about the weather or the fact that I get cold quite easily; I am only concerned about finding out who hurt Harry. I quickly get in my car and turn it on, immediately blasting the heat. Before I back out of the driveway, I look into the living room. All 4 of the boys are sitting on the couch, and Harry's hands are covering his face. Zayn tries to rub Harry's back, but Harry swats his hand away. I flinch at the sight because it's so unlike Harry to be acting this way; I can't remember the last time he got this mad.

When I park in the back of Management's office, I take a sigh of relief. Somehow, I didn't get pulled over because I was speeding. I try and collect my thoughts as best I can before heading in, but that's next to impossible. I'm still livid about what management did to my Harry, and I'm here to get answers.

"Hi, Louis. Nice to see you again." The lady at the front desk warmly greets; the same lady who was there a few weeks ago when management tried to separate Harry and I.

"Hello." I smile. I try to give her the best smile I could, given my current anger and the fact that I was rude to her the last time I saw her. When I step in front of the elevator, I click the "up" arrow and impatiently wait. Finally, the elevator doors open and I select "floor 7". As soon as the elevator opens with a ding, nerves join my anger. I barge into the meeting room, not bothering to knock, and see the same 2 men I saw before. I really hate them.

"How dare you? Do you know what you fucking caused?" I sneer, trying my best not to yell.

"Louis, it's nice to see you as well. What seems to be the problem?" The man sitting on the right side of the table says. I scoff at his ignorant response.

"'What seems to be the problem'?" I rhetorically ask, mocking him, and also shocked that he's so oblivious.

"Do you have any idea what you did to my boyfriend?" I jeer, raising my voice.

"Mr. Tomlinson, please keep your voice down."

"Why? So people don't hear the truth? Harry Styles is my boyfriend!" I yell the last part, slamming my hands on the desk and leaning over it.

"I'm confused as to why you're here today, Louis. We don't have a meeting scheduled." The man on the left says.

"I don't fucking care. You called my boyfriend, and now he's broken down. Did it not occur to you that I would come down here after what you did to him?"

"We're sorry to hear that our phone call upset him. We simply confronted him about the pictures of you two that were released recently, and were hoping to schedule a meeting. In fact, since you're already here, you might as well tell Harry to come here."

"Are you deaf? You really want to have a meeting right now?" My mind is blown because of how stupid these two men are. "What else did you tell him? Clearly you're not telling me everything, because he wouldn't have reacted the way he did if that's all you said."

"I assure you, we aren't leaving anything out." I scoff and glare at them. Before I leave, I make sure to get their names, just in case.

"Lucas and Jared, fucking twats." I mutter to myself as I stomp onto the elevator and hit the 'main floor' button. As I am descending back down to the main floor, I decide to call Liam.

"Louis, where are you?" Liam wonders after picking up the phone within the first ring.

"I'm coming home now, I had a little chat with management."

"Louis..." Liam starts, sounding disappointed.

"What?" I ask defensively. Finally, I make it to the main floor, and speed walk to my car, smiling at the lady at the front desk as I leave.

"Oh, let me tell you," I stifle a laugh because it sounds as if Liam is about to tell a story, "after you left, Harry broke down...again. Which reminds me, you need to tell all of us what happened to Harry. Anyways, he won't let us touch him or talk to him or try to comfort him in any way. He won't talk or clean his hand either. What happened to his hand anyway?"

"I'll tell you all when I get home, which will be in about 10 minutes. How is he now?" I begin to grow worried again. If Harry's second breakdown was as bad as his first one, it's going to be a long evening.

"You'll have to see for yourself, since you're almost home. He's not good, but we're trying our best."

"Thank you, Li," I sigh, "just keep an eye on him until I get there?"

"Of course. See you soon."


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