Chapter 23

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My night was anything but restful. After me and Harry's little debacle, I woke up about four times. To say that I was restless would be the understatement of the century.

When I woke up the first time it was 3:30, and I got up to use the bathroom before falling asleep again. The second time, it was about 4:15, and I got a drink of water and watched a bit of telly downstairs until I got tired again. The third time, which had to have been around 5:30, I snuck outside to smoke for a bit to relax. This time I remembered to change my clothes so that Harry couldn't smell the smoke on them. Finally, it is 7:45, and the dim sunlight is peeking through the curtains and onto our bedroom floor.

I am laying on my back and I have my arm wrapped around Harry as he is cuddled close to my side, with one of his legs up and resting over my thighs. I look down at him and brush his messy hair away from his face; he sleepily nuzzles his head deeper into my chest and wraps his arm around my torso in response. I can't help but swoon over him, but then I feel a horrible shock in my body. It's similar to the feeling you have when you think you lost your phone or forgot to do something important, but instead, what I'm fretting over is cuddled into my side at this very moment in time. I need to tell him what Niall said, but I don't know if he can handle more stress from management.

"Are you awake?" I whisper.

"Mhmm," Harry hums, "you woke me up earlier."


"Around 4:00."

"Sorry love." I apologize as I bring the covers up to his shoulders.

"I'm cold." Harry pouts as he cuddles closer to me, which I didn't think was even possible.

"Well it would help if you would put a shirt on." I sass as I reach over to my side of the bed where one of my hoodies is laying on the floor. Harry sits up when I give him my hoodie, and he quickly slips it on before resuming his position on my chest. "Better?" I ask.

"Yeah. What time is it?"

"Around 7:50."

"What do we have to do today?"

"Around 10:00 all of us have to go in and get some writing done. Then you and I have a meeting to go to."

"Another meeting?" Harry groans.

"Niall texted me last night, saying that management sounded pissed with us. Also, when Lucas and Jared were leaving, they told me to stop by their office with you after our writing session today."

"Will it always be like this?" Harry sniffles, sitting up and looking at me. I look at my boyfriend, and a single tear rolls down his cheek; my heart suddenly breaks for the broken boy.

"Oh, come here baby. You don't need to cry so much, I'm sorry management is giving you a reason to. Don't let them get to you, sun. Come here." I say in a hushed tone as I sit up, stretching my legs out in front of me. Harry lays down next to me and rests his head in my lap. Subconsciously, I gently start to play with his messy, and ever so curly, locks.

"Shhh, you're alright baby boy. I've got you, you're okay. Everything will be alright." I reassure him in a hushed tone, still playing with his hair. Harry usually calms down when I play with his hair, and thankfully it still proves true. "Are you hungry?" I ask Harry, who has now calmed down and is zoned out, playing with the hem of my shorts. "Honey, do you want breakfast now?" I ask again, trying to get his attention. Harry shakes his head to clear his thoughts before nodding his head. "Let's go make something, yeah?"

"Yeah." Harry says as he sits up and stretches, rubbing his eyes.

"You look adorable in my hoodie, Haz."

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