Chapter 10

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   *6 days later*
I'm going to make this day the best day ever. I think to myself as I wake up. My body is intertwined with my boyfriend's, the same way we fell asleep. It is 6:45 a.m., so we still have time to sleep in before we have to be up. I gently run my fingers through Harry's messy yet perfect curls; he takes a deep breath and stretches, and I know he is awake.

"Sorry, baby, did I wake you?" I whisper. Harry looks around the dark room before nuzzling back into my chest, because I am now laying on my back.

"What time is it?" He groans.

"It's 6:45, we still have time to sleep before your special day." I whisper as a smile creeps onto my face. Harry mirrors my smile without knowing, because he remembers that the next time he wakes up, he'll celebrate being 19.

When Harry met Louis, who is 3 years older than him, he became a little insecure of his age. He always thought to himself, how could Louis want to date me? He's 18 and I'm 16. Well, that was when they both liked each other but were both afraid to admit it, but they confessed their love not soon after. Louis doesn't know about Harry's insecurity of his younger age, he just thought the boy was very excited for his party today.

As Harry looks up to me, I look into his eyes, seeing that his once dark, bruised eye is now a faint purple, barely noticeable, so it's healing well.

"When you think about it," I start, "we're both pretty banged up." I joke, referencing Harry's bruises and my cooking incident, which both happened nearly a week ago.

"Yeah, life's pretty crazy sometimes." Harry replies lightheartedly and buries his head back into my chest. I silently chuckle at his response and begin to run my fingers through his curly brown hair once again.

"Try and get some rest, baby, we have a big day ahead of us." I whisper to the already dozing boy. Harry answers by humming a low, "mmhmm" before falling back asleep. I try my best not to fall asleep, because I am going to make Harry breakfast. I wait until Harry changes positions in his sleep so that he isn't laying on me anymore so I am able to get up. Then, I tip toe to the bathroom to freshen up before heading to my closet. Harry and I usually sleep in our boxers and sometimes a t-shirt; today was one of those days where we wore t-shirts, so I slip baggy, light grey sweatpants on, which I think are Harry's, before heading downstairs to prepare breakfast. I try my best to not eat a lot right now so that I can eat with Harry, which works out well because I am not really hungry right now.

I think of what Harry loves to eat for breakfast, and I Google a pancake recipe. While the boys and us were in America, we all tried pancakes, and since then Harry always eats pancakes when we go to America. I find a recipe, and start searching around the kitchen for all the ingredients; luckily, we have all of them.

The pancakes only take about 25 minutes to make. That's pretty good for me, considering I don't cook. I've only cooked one meal before; it was chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in Parma ham, and I made a side of homemade mashed potatoes to go with it. That was when I was trying to impress Harry, and I think it tasted pretty good.

I set the pancakes on a big white plate that I place in the middle of the counter. Then, I cut up some strawberries in a bowl to put on top of the pancakes. Last night I went out to get syrup, because I knew I wanted to make Harry pancakes, so I grab the small bottle of maple syrup and put it on the table next to the pancakes. What else... I think. Toast? No, the pancakes are enough. I result in pouring orange juice in a small pitcher, and cutting up more fruit to make a fruit salad for the side dish.

I start to brew some coffee and check the time. 7:30, right on time. Harry is a pretty early riser, and I'm lucky to have woken up earlier than him this morning. I set 2 plates, silverware, napkins, and mugs on the table for us before lighting a candle on the table and quietly heading back upstairs. Harry is still asleep, so I lay on my side on top of the blanket, propping my head up with my hand. I use my other hand to loosely tangle my fingers in Harry's hair, gently, to not wake him up too abruptly.

Forbidden Love [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now