Chapter 14

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"Louis, Looouuuiiiiissssss!" I wake up to Harry straddling me, resting his hands on my shoulders. I squint as the sunshine peeking through the curtain floods into the room. When I open my eyes completely, I see Zayn, Liam, and Niall all standing around the bed.

"What? What time is it?" I ask. Harry bites his lip at my morning voice, and I smirk at him, gingerly gripping his thighs with my fingertips.

"It's 10:30. We need to talk, Louis." Liam says calmly. I mentally curse for sleeping in so late, then the other half of Liam's sentence registers in my brain. I immediately start to panic; whenever someone says, "we need to talk," it's never good. I warily sit up, and Harry sits next to me and protectively takes my hand.

"Do you know?" I ask Harry. He nods, and before I can ask him what it is, Liam hands me his phone. The harsh, bright screen meets my eyes, and I see that Twitter is pulled up. I scroll and see countless posts and edits of the same photo. The photo itself is quite dark, so I bring the phone closer to my eyes. As soon as I realize what the photo is, I drop Liam's phone onto the bed and bury my head in my hands. "Fuck...," I curse under my breath, "when did you all find out?"

"Niall saw it this morning and showed all of us about 20 minutes ago." Liam monotonously replies.

"Can I talk to Harry alone for a second, please?" I say, just above a whisper. The three boys nod and leave Harry and I's bedroom, leaving the two of us alone. "Does management know yet?" I ask Harry.

"Probably, but they haven't talked to any of us about it yet."

"How could I have been so stupid!" I exclaim as I tug at my hair.

"Hey, hey, don't do that, love. Come here." Harry coos as he wraps his arms around me. I let my tears fall onto his shirt and release my fists from my hair.

"I'm s-sorry, Hazza." I hiccup in between sobs.

"Shh, you're okay, darling. Everything will be okay." Harry reassures me as he rubs my back.

After I calm down, Harry and I walk downstairs and find the boys in the kitchen. I slump down onto the kitchen stool next to Harry; Liam slides me a bowl of cereal.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"You're welcome, Louis." Liam smiles.

"What are we gonna do about the pictures?" I sigh.

"I think it's best not to do anything about it. At least, not until management finds out."

"Unless management kills us first." Harry jokes. I scoff and manage a small smile at his joke.

"I just don't understand why someone would be out at 1:30 in the morning." Harry states. We all agree and talk about who could have taken the picture.

"Shit, we're gonna be late." I say as I spring up from the stool and place my bowl in the sink. "Come on, babe, we have to get dressed!" I yell as I run up the stairs. I make it to our bedroom and see Harry entering not that far behind me.

"Honey, we have like, an hour until we have to leave." Harry chuckles, a hint of confusion in his voice and curiosity on his face.

"I know, but we need to shower."

"That'll take like 15 minutes tops."

"Oh, really? Not for what I had in mind." I smirk. Even though I spoke loud enough for the other boys to hear, they were all wrapped up in their conversation to hear.

"Fuck, let's go." Harry says as he grabs my hand and rushes into the bathroom located in our bedroom. When we step onto to the cool white tiles in the bathroom, a small shiver creeps up my body. Harry closes the door and locks it, and takes a step towards me. He places a soft kiss on my lips, then moves to my neck. A small moan escapes my lips when Harry gently licks and kisses the spot just below my ear. Harry lets out a small chuckle, and returns his lips to mine.

He slowly backs us up until my back makes contact with the counter. I hop up to sit on the counter and spread my legs slightly so Harry can stand in between them. I move my hands under Harry's shirt, and he helps me take it off. As he lets his shirt drop to the floor, I attach my lips to his collar bone, sucking sweetly and leaving a purple mark. Harry whines slightly, and I look up into his now lust-filled eyes.

"Shirt off." He demands. I slip my shirt off and drop it on the floor next to Harry's in one fluent motion. "So gorgeous, Lou." Harry marvels. He moves closer to me, which I didn't think was possible, and starts palming me through my sweatpants. I let out a moan; in response, I feel Harry hardening against my thigh. I hastily untie Harry's sweatpants and he kicks them off, revealing his black boxers that are straining him.

I hop off the counter and take my sweatpants and boxers off at the same time, revealing my fully hard length. Harry's eyes widen, and he looks at me with slightly dilated pupils. I smirk, slowly walking towards him; I play with the hem of his boxers before slowly sliding them down his legs. Harry breathes a sigh of relief.

"Let's get in the shower now, yeah?" I know Harry is aching for any type of touching right now, so I lightly place my hand on the small of his back before leading him to the shower. "Wait here." I instruct for Harry to stand outside of the shower. He frustratingly whines and attempts to enter the shower. "Harry, honey, wait please. It's still too hot." I tell him. Harry quietly whines again, but obeys and waits outside of the shower.

I run my hand under the running water after adjusting the temperature. Perfect, I think to myself. I stand under the shower head and let the warm water cover my entire body. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me close to the boy behind me. Turning around, I connect my lips to Harry's. I spin him around by his waist, and cup his bum in my hands. Harry places his forearms against the tiled wall to keep him upright.

"Ready?" I ask. Harry nods, and moves his hips closer to me. "Use your words, baby." I instruct.

"Yes daddy." Harry whimpers. I softly moan at the nickname and slowly press two fingers inside of him, allowing him time to adjust. "Good." Harry mumbles, signifying that I can keep going. I start to move the two fingers in and out, in and out, scissoring him open a little bit at a time. Harry's breath quickens and he lets out small moans. After a few minutes, I take out my fingers and line myself up with Harry. Slowly, I slide in all the way, again giving Harry a few moments to adjust. "Oh, fuck..." Harry moans. I slowly start thrusting, finding a rhythm quickly. I start to quicken my pace and push in deeper. Harry moans loudly as my tip hits his prostate.

"The boys are downstairs, love." I sweetly remind him as I cover his mouth for a moment, still thrusting into him. I quicken my pace even more, continually hitting Harry's prostate. My thrusts become sloppier as I get closer to my release.

"S-so close, Lou." Harry moans. With a couple more thrusts Harry and I both release. I quickly cover his mouth with my hand to muffle his loud moans. When we both come down from our highs, I pull out of Harry, and watch as my cum slowly runs down his thigh. He rinses off and lazily places a kiss on my lips.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too, Lou."

"Let's clean up now, yeah?" I say. Harry nods in compliance and we both rinse off.


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