Chapter 4

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When security finally makes their way over to us, Liam and Niall get out first. Once they enter the club through the back door to avoid attention, Zayn and Harry are next to leave.

As I sit alone in the car, I think of how I can make this night not terrible. I think of teasing Harry, so that he would want me and not be able to have me, but then I decide not to. That would be torture on my part as well. Also, it has been a long day for the both of us, and I don't want him to be upset any more today. Then, I think of management. Of course they take Zayn and Harry together, God forbid he and I are seen together. It's not like we're in a band together, or anything like that.

Finally, it's my turn to leave the car and enter the loud club. I smile when I see that there is a connecting room between the exit and all the people, and the boys are waiting for me there. As soon as I look at Harry I forget all that management had told me just a few hours back. Before I walk over to Harry, I admire how handsome he looks. The dim light overhead compliments everything about him. I walk over to stand next to my boyfriend, but one of the security guards steps in to stand in between us.

'Fucking pricks', I think to myself. I turn to my left and see that Niall is watching what just happened, and I decide to stand next to him.

"I'm sorry, Louis. It's only temporary. Once we get back in the car you two can be with each other." Niall sympathetically tells me in an attempt to make me feel better.

"Thanks, Nialler," I respond, although it didn't make me feel much better, "let's go get some drinks already." As all of us make our way inside, the upbeat music bombards my ears. Niall and I make our way to the bar with one security guard standing behind us, and the rest of the boys get lost together in the sea of people while the other security guard stands outside of the crowd.

"What did they tell you today?" Niall asks me as we take our first shot.

"Basically they said that if Harry and I came out our careers would be ruined, and not to interact with Harry in public." I respond to Niall with a hint of stress in my voice. "Mate, can we get two more? Thanks." I call to the bartender who gave us our first shot.

"Ahh, that's harsh. What about concerts? All of us mess with each other."

"I reckon they'd give us each a side of the stage that we have to stay on." I joke, and Niall and I both laugh as we take our second shot.

"Would you drink a beer if I got one?" Niall asks me after a couple minutes of talking about my current situation.

"Sure, but I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom." I hop off the stool that is quite high and make my way to the bathroom. Thankfully, the security guard does not follow me. I look at the crowd of people, and search for familiar eyes. I do not see any, but I don't let it bother me. 'There are hundreds of people here and to find the boys would take forever' I convince myself. Walking into the bathroom, I realize that it's empty. I find a stall, lock the door, and sigh. 'This is going to be a long night' I whisper. I hear the faucet turn on, so I collect my thoughts and exit the stall. I finally found the familiar eyes I was searching for. "Harry." I quietly say, shocked to see him here.

"What are you doing here?"

"I went up to get a drink and I saw Niall alone. I didn't ask him where you went because the security guard was standing right behind him. I just assumed you went here." I am happy to hear that Harry wanted to see me. When Harry finishes washing and drying his hands, he walks towards me. In the dimly lit room, he appears to be towering over me; I am slightly intimidated by how tall and hungry he looks. He looks like he wants to kiss me. I take a step towards him, and he takes a step back.

"We can't. Not here. Someone could walk in at any time." I sigh as I hear those words escape his lips. "I should get back to Niall. He's probably wondering why I've been gone for so long."

"Alright, baby. I'll wait a couple minutes just in case anyone's watching." I want to give him a kiss, touch him, anything that can ease my mind off of not being able to be with him now. However, I give him a small smile, walk past him, and go back to Niall with a feeling of regret. I feel as if I had left something behind, and now it's gone.

"I ordered you a beer, hope you don't mind." Niall says to me as I sit back on the bar stool.

"Thanks. Cheers." I sigh and take a big sip of the cool liquid. Just the one sip makes me feel lighter.

"While you were gone Harry came over and had a couple shots." He tells me. "I think he went to the bathroom after that. Did you see him in there?" Before I answer, I mouth 'yes' and point to the security guard who has his back to us.
"No, I must have left before he went in." I lie to Niall. Niall catches onto my lie and nods his head in understanding before taking another sip of his beer. A sweaty Liam came over to us and took a seat next to Niall. He asks the bartender for a shot before addressing us.

"Hi boys! How are we doing over here?" He happily asks us.

"We're doing good, how about yourself?" Niall answers him. Niall turns to face Liam, leaving me out of the conversation. I rest my chin on my hands and look down at my drink. I drown out the raucous going on around me and let my mind wander. I'm not thinking for long until my mind lands on Harry. I wonder where he is, what he's doing, and if he's thinking of me, too.

"Louis, hello, earth to Louis...Louis!" I hear Liam calling my name. I sit up with a jolt, not knowing what is happening.

"Where'd you go there?" Liam asks with a chuckle.

"Oh, nowhere I'm just kind of tired." I lie.

"Do you want to go join the rest of the boys and dance? It could wake you up." Niall offers.

"Sure, doesn't sound like too bad of an idea." I reply. I take one last sip of my beer to finish it off and Liam, Niall, and I walk out onto the dance floor and disappear into the sea of people.


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