Chapter 24: Nick

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The shrill ringing of my cell phone blasted through the quiet of my garage almost making me drop the heavy cans of car paint.
Who is calling me so late? I placed the cans on my work table next to my ringing phone.

I picked up my turned over phone to figure out just that. The picture I'd secretly taken of Maya and Charlie filled my screen. I'd made it her contact picture because it was so cute.

Answering the call, I said, "Hello."

"Hi," Maya's smooth voice came over the phone. "I wasn't sure if you were awake."

"I am," I replied, sitting down on my workbench. "But I'm surprised you're up. Are you and Tasha pulling an all nighter?"

"No, she's sleeping. I'm in the bathroom." She rushed to explain, "I'm not using the bathroom. I just in here so I don't wake her by talking on the phone."

"Ah, I understand," I chuckled. "So why did you call me? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, there's nothing wrong. I just-I couldn't sleep, and then I started thinking about you and I wondered if you got home safely. Then I wanted to call and make sure you were okay."

"What if I wouldn't have answered?"

She hummed, unable to come up with an answer. "I guess we'll never know now."

"I guess not." I decided to tease her a little bit. "Do you miss me?"

"Depends," she replied.

"On what?" I toyed with a wrench that sat on the table twirling it around my fingers.

"If you miss me."

"You-with all your sarcastic comments and poor taste in caffeinated drinks?" I asked jokingly. "Of course, I don't."

She laughed softly. "Wow, you sure do know how to make a girl feel special."

I sighed, "It's my specialty. That's why the girls love me."

"I'm sure it is."
We were in a comfortable silence when I said, "Maya, will you go on a date with me?" I don't know what encouraged me to ask her that, but I did.

The other end of the phone was so silent, I thought she might have hung up. But then she answered, "Yes."

"Yes," I repeated after her. I probably should have thought this through more, I wasn't even sure where I wanted to take her. "Okay, do you want to get dinner tomorrow night?"

"I can't I have work remember."

"Oh, I forgot. Maybe the next night."

"That sounds good. I look forward to it."

I smiled to myself. "Does it feel like we're doing everything backwards to you?"

"What do you mean?"she asked.

"Usually people go on a first date before they have their first kiss. Or before they spend the night..."

"Or let them borrow cars," she added.

"Right," I agreed. "Or let them borrow cars." But that's one milestone that I'm glad we jumped to or else we might not be where we are today.

"I guess it is kind of out of order," she agreed. I could hear her shifting around in the bathroom. "But what if you were a bad kisser? Then I would have went on a date with you for nothing."

"You think I'm a good kisser?" I grinned.

"I didn't mean to say that," she said trying to take it back.

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