Chapter 23

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Yasmin rushed down the corridors of the institute. Both she and Alec were worried about Lydia, she was following the missing blonde haired shadowhunter's scent. Yasmin reached the door the Robert's office pushing open the door she came to a halt as Alec came round the corner. "Alec!" Yasmin cried out seeing Lydia on the ground. Alec followed by Magnus rushed into the room.
"I can still hear her pulse. She's alive" Yasmin confirmed as Alec to the fallen shadowhunter.
"Go get help" Alec commanded Magnus who hurried out the room.

Lydia stirred, "Hodge" Lydia gasped weakly.
"Yasmin no!" Alec yelled but Yasmin was already shifting landing on four paws in the corridor bounding round the tight corners. She flew by Clary and Jace who had heard from Magnus about what they had found.

"Yasmin? What's the matter!" Jace yelled but her only reply was a frustrated bark. Marsye yelled in surprise as Yasmin leaped around her and her husband.
"Yasmin?" Robert asked. Ignoring them both Yasmin ran lightly out the front doors of the institute into the cold night air and down the streets of New York City.

Jace felt himself tense as he watched Hodge present the cup to supposedly Valentine on the video recording. He didn't blame Yasmin for taking off after Hodge straight away. If he could have, he would have joined her but he hadn't believed Hodge's involvement.

"What about the foresaken attack?" Clary asked.
"No" Alec shook his head, "We killed that thing and It didn't have a ring"
Izzy brought up the footage, Jace winced as he watched on screen as Yamsin thrown across the room by the foresaken.

"There" Jace confirmed as the camera switched from everyone focused on Alec holding Yamsin to Hodge pulling out the hidden ring from the body of the forsaken.
"If he gives that cup to Valentine he'll create an army of shadowhunters with that kind of power he'll kill thousands" Alec said coldly.

"That's not the only power he'll have" Clary gasped.

"We need to get Yasmin and Ajax back NOW!" Her voice rose a hint of panic in the red heads voice.
"Why!" Alec asked urgently, it was only when Yasmin was involved that Alec actually listened to Clary.

"You didn't see the effect the cup had on Yasmin and that was when it was in my hands. The first thing Valentine did when he thought he had the cup was try to control Yasmin" the red head explained. Alec and gone very pale and Jace couldn't imagine he looked much better. He clutched the back of Izzy's chair so tightly his knuckles went white.

"Valentine won't need thousands of demons he'll only need a few. With Ajax and Yasmin against us I don't know if we'll have a chance" Izzy agree bringing up footage of Yasmin and Ajax in the training room the two were clearly playing around but they equaled and surpassed even Shadowhunters like Jace in ability.

"I won't let that monster take my sister from me again" Jace growled sprinting off out of the room followed closely by Alec.

Water gushed to her left as Yasmin ran lightly over the rooftops of a block of flats opposite a shipment docking port. A strong feeling made her stumble sending her flying into the wall of the next container. She felt bile in her throat, burning her insides like acid. She coughed splattering the floor with a thick liquid. The lights from above shone down revealing black blood. Yasmin could feel more of the liquid trickling down her chin. Her vision blurred, she saw stars, thousands of them, surrounding her. The sound of running water filled her ears. It was peaceful and calm there.

A scream of pain pulled her from the star-strung place. Pushing herself off the ground her limbs shook slightly like she'd just finished a marathon. Peering down below her, she almost fell again.

Jace and Hodge were going at each other. Yasmin had never seen her brother like this before, Jace was enraged. She couldn't blame him though, he had just lost the last adult he thought he had known and trusted. She started running towards the two men, yelling at them to stop, for some reason she wasn't able to shift. She wasn't going to get there in time.

Unfortunately she was right it her belief that she wasn't going to get there in time. Jace got the upper hand slicing off Hodge's hand with an angry yell. Hodge screamed in pain. Yasmin ran faster, she was almost there. To her horror Jace lifted his blade to deal the killing blow. She threw herself infront of Hodge at the same moment Alec tackled Jace from the side.

She turned to Hodge not listening to Alec and Jace's argument as she and Luke took hold of Hodge. Alec came to help them but Yasmin heard on the wind a very familiar voice. Leaving the group she walked over towards Jace.

"Oh and here is your twin" Valentine smiled at Jace. "As I was telling your brother Yasmin, we're not to different us three. I raised you, it will be your turn to kill next Yasmin and I can promise you it will be a lot more spectacular than Jace's Little presentation tonight."

Valentine smiled cruelly at her. Shaking her head Yasmin took a step back, "I will never kill for you. You're not my father" she spat angrily at him. A hand closed on her arm. Panicking she spun round to come face to face with Ajax who was glaring at Valentine. "Oh and Ajax it's good to see you again".

Ajax held her tightly his silent arrival hadn't been noticed by either Luke or Alec while Jace hadn't turned away from his father. "Come with me. Together we can save the world using the cup" Valentine urged.
"Oh we're coming for you" Ajax retorted,
"We have unfinished business" Jace concluded as Valentine disappeared.

Yasmin turned to face Ajax hugging him tightly which the other half breed returned holding her hair as tightly. Both of their hands were locked into one another's. And both had specks if black congealed blood on them. Yasmin could smell it on Ajax's clothes and she knew that he could see the blood that was drying on her face. Neither was safe anymore, but the question remained unasked and unanswered for them both.

How long could they hold out for?

A/N Sorry this is slightly late. I'm on holiday with no WiFi and service is terrible here.

This is the second last chapter! I can't believe I've almost finished this book. Thankyou as always for your lovely comments.

What do you guys think is happening to Yasmin and Ajax? How are Jace and Alec going to protect her? Will Valentine come out on top?

Please let me know what you think. Thankyou again guys. A little tease quote from the final chapter:

"Oh my dear Jonathan it won't be me you will fight and watch your friends die. No you will fight the one person I know you cannot hurt"


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