Episode 19

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Yasmin was yet again in wolf form as she walked beside the Seelie Queen as they entered the institute. They sat in the chairs as the Shadowhunter's walked in, Jace, Izzy, Clary and Alec. Yasmin's head was above the tabletop, so she sat quietly.

She didn't look at Alec, the only Shadowhunter she looked at was Jace, worry hid behind his eyes. Luke stood behind Yasmin while Magnus and Raphael sat either side of the Queen. Raph's hand was discreetly stroking Yasmin's fur. She had lost one friend, she wasn't about to lose another in Raphael. Ajax sat next to Magnus in his signature relaxed position, his arm carelessly thrown round the back of Magnus' chair his legs out. It was all an act; Yasmin could smell the tension in his blood.

"Where oh where is Simon?" The Queen asked,

"Your Highness, what an unpleasant surprise" Yasmin internally winced, Clary's sass wasn't going to get either side anywhere. This meeting was already precarious, if Clary let herself be blinded by her own self-interest this was going to end badly.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it" Alec tried to save the situation,

"No offense Alec but I agree with Clary" Yasmin watched the Queen's hand curl slightly under the table, she beckoned to Yasmin with a finger. Yasmin stood up but didn't move any further. The Queen had not directed her yet. Part of her screamed in anger at how she was yet again not in control of herself, but at least now if the Queen told her to do something she could refuse, what power did the Queen have over her really?
"Your majesty is this another one of your little games"

"The institute called an emergency meeting of the downworlder council. I speak on behalf of the downworld."

"Yasmin is this true?" Alec asked Yasmin looking straight at her,

"Hence forth if you need anything from the downworld you will address me Mr Lightwood. Such is the nature of our new agreement." Yasmin saw Raph look away guiltily from Izzy's stare.

"Your Highness, Valentine believes that the institute has the mortal mirror. He won't leave the city without it. We need the downworld's help in locating him" Alec explained, Yasmin got the feeling that he wanted to speak with her. If anyone could find Valentine and Jonathan quickly it was her.

"To capture him, so that he may escape once again" The Queen stated sceptically.

"In order to execute him. So, this threat may finally end" Yasmin looked at Alec surprised, she hadn't realised how serious Alec was about Valentine's death.

"Why should we believe you?" Yasmin had to admit the Queen had a point, "You have lied to us before about the mortal instruments. Even lied to the one you love" The Queen nodded at Yasmin. Yasmin tilted her head at Alec, giving him a look that she hoped conveyed her scepticism and her desire for him to answer the Queen's question.

"I understand why you might doubt my intentions. After what happened with the Soul Sword. For that I am sorry. But I founded this council to make things more transparent between the Downworld and the Clave"

"And how's that been going?" the Queen asked sarcastically.

"It's been a bit of a working progress" Yasmin could hear the controlled anger in his voice, and she could hear his heart rate speed up as he tried to control his anger.

"For far too long the Downworld has depended on the Clave and your institute to protect us from men like Valentine. It's time we learnt our lesson in fighting for ourselves" The Queen stood.

"We can't do this alone. Valentine is a threat to all of us" Alec persisted now appealing to Magnus, Luke and Yasmin.

"The answer Shadowhunter's is no. Come along" They rose walking behind the Queen out of the room.

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