Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Mrs Carter returned the smile that Louis had given her before and turned to Jonathan. "Jonathan, you can go back into the classroom now. You're lucky I don't send you to the principal's office," she added, just as Jonathan was about to say something.

Instead, he nodded and walked back into the classroom, giving one more glare to Louis, muttering under his breath before closing the door behind him. Louis turned to face Mrs Carter again and saw that she was still looking after Jonathan.

"Louis." Mrs Carter suddenly shifted her attention back to Louis. "Are you sure about the play?"

"I can't get up on that stage," Louis muttered, his gaze falling to his feet, and Mrs Carter rested her hand on his shoulder.

"As your teacher, I'm a little disappointed. You have a lot of talent. But, as a friend of your mothers, I understand."

Louis' heart began feeling heavy at Mrs Carter's words, but he shook away the feeling. It had been a long time since he had seen Mrs Carter as a friend of the family, and a long time since he heard her speak about his mother.

With a quick squeeze of his shoulder, Mrs Carter dropped her hand back to her side and cleared her throat.

"You can't keep causing trouble."

"I didn't start that," Louis defended himself, thankful the conversation had shifted. "I never do."

"I know, but we always know how it's going to end." She paused and gave Louis another small smile. "Are you committed to this monologue? I need a positive answer. It'll only be for me and no one else; if that was something that would put you off."

Louis nodded. "That sounds good, thanks."

"Okay... I'm going to do something," Mrs Carter said hesitantly. "I know I shouldn't, but I trust you, Louis. You're probably the best student, grade-wise, in the school. Plus, I promised your mother I wouldn't let you get into too much trouble when you came here."

Louis nodded again without a word, looking a touch confused.

"Though, that was a long time ago now," Mrs Carter said quietly, and Louis pulled his gaze up from the ground to look at her.

"You're doing a swell job," Louis said, trying to stay upbeat, and Mrs Carter grinned again.

"Look, you don't need to come to drama class anymore. If you're not going to be in the play, I see no point in it. And, at this stage, I think it's best if you're not in the same room as Jonathan, especially when he's trying to act."

"Trying is the keyword," Louis interjected.

"Louis, for God's sake." Mrs Carter shook her head. "Back on to the subject of the monologue," she said, "I need you to check in with me every day, so I know that you're doing it. Every day, Louis," Mrs Carter emphasised. "If you don't do that... I will fail you."

Louis nodded a third time, making a mental note to write a physical note to remind himself.

"I will. I promise." Louis gave a small smile to Mrs Carter, who nodded in response.

"You can go. I'll write you a pass tomorrow. Valid for the rest of the year, so you won't get in trouble for not being in my class."

"Sounds like a solid plan, ma'am." Louis smiled.

"Don't push it."

Mrs Carter turned on her heel and moved towards the classroom, pausing as she reached the door. Thinking that she was going to say something, Louis waited. But, after a moment, she continued into the room, closing the door behind her.

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