Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"Ryan..." Louis slowly said, barely moving from the impact of the fist. "While I usually hate doing this, I just want to say: Thank you."

With that, Louis raised his arm, knocking Ryan's arm away before delivering a swift kick to his gut. Keeping his momentum going, Louis twisted his body and raised his fist, connecting it with Tyler's jaw, who was standing beside Ryan, causing them to fall to the floor, grunting in pain. Louis was sure that he could see some tears as well.

"Holy crap," was the only word Louis heard from Luke's mouth as he stood back and watched.

"Say, Luke," Louis started. "Why don't you help Ryan and Tyler up off the floor like a good boy? They seem to have taken a nasty fall down some stairs."

All Luke could do was nod, knowing that he wouldn't be able to do anything against Louis. He hurriedly moved in and picked his friends from the floor, helping them hobble down the hall.

During the commotion, the students in the hallway stood frozen, stunned at what they just saw and observing Louis. Most of them were used to him dealing with things with his words. But this was new. This was different. Louis turned on his heel and continued his journey to the library. People quickly jumped out of his way, making a path for him down the hall. Louis just kept his head down and ignored them. They looked scared.

They should be scared, Louis thought as he walked by them. His anger was starting to bubble, and he didn't know if it would explode. He could only hope that it didn't.

When Louis finally reached the library, he didn't bother looking for a new book to read, grabbing a random one off the closest shelf, propping it open in front of him as he took a seat.

Twenty minutes into reading what Louis thought was the most boring book on the planet, he heard it.

"Louis Stan, to the principal's office. Louis Stan, to the principal's office."

Louis knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time. He got up from his seat and put back the book and made his way out of the library. As he made his way out, he could see the librarian eyeing him as if he had just ripped a page out of one of his precious books. Louis ignored him.

It didn't take long before he reached the principal's office. As he walked in, the lady at the desk motioned him forwards. The office was small, practically bare, aside from the desk and chair sitting in the middle of the room, which was occupied by a rather large female with black hair pulled into a tight bun. She sneered at Louis as he entered.

"Sit." She motioned to the chair opposite her.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll stand," Louis replied with a small smile. He didn't know why he did these things.

"You will follow my orders, Mr Stan."

"Sorry, your majesty." Louis gave a small bow before taking his seat.

"You know why you're here," the principal stated after a moment.

"You want me to start a book club?" Louis asked innocently.

"Don't be coy with me, Louis," she spat.

"I'm just curious, Ms Clarke," Louis said, crossing his legs and sitting up straighter.

"What would you say, if I told you I had three young men come into my office, beaten and bruised, saying that you attacked them?"

"I'd say you were a liar," Louis stated, staring emotionless at Ms Clarke. "I only attacked two them."

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