Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

"Lou, you look fine."

"That's easy for you to say; you're not going on a date with a supermodel."

"I've never seen this side of you, and I love it." Sam laughed, and his voice echoed around Louis' aunt's bedroom.

Louis had been staring at the mirror hanging on the wall for the better part of an hour, fixing his hair, wondering if he looked presentable enough. It was Saturday, the night Isaac and Louis were going on their first official date, and Louis was nervous.

Sam had come over, not only to mock Louis but to finally meet Isaac as well. He had taken every chance he could to ask Sarah as many questions about Isaac as he possibly could, and much to Louis' pleasure, she hadn't given him too much information. So, to Louis' great disappointment, Sam decided to meet him in person.

Sam had arrived almost three hours ago and had just been waiting around, constantly asking Louis if it was time for the date yet. He acted like a child wanted candy, and Louis found himself rolling his eyes a record amount of times. Along with that, Louis kept trying to ignore Sam's stupid remarks and comments while he tried to get ready, and looking at himself in the mirror, he wasn't sure if he was ready. His long hair was pushed back, though it still framed his face. It wasn't tidy by any means, but it also wasn't as big of a mess as it usually was.

He wore the same white shirt as he did on his outing with Shawn, along with a new pair of black jeans; he had to scrape up money for them, but he didn't regret it. As he looked at himself, he contemplated whether or not he should tuck his shirt in or leave it untucked; he would've asked Sam for his advice but knew he wouldn't get any proper help from him.

"I have a question, Lou," Sam stated suddenly, causing Louis to look at him in the mirror.

He was sitting on the bed, staring back at Louis' reflection, a smile plastered on his face, due to the fact Louis was freaking out about his date.

"Which is?" Louis asked raising his eyebrows.

He hated to think what Sam was going to ask. Louis was sure it was going to be something stupid, about Isaac most likely.

"Why are we in your aunt's room, and why do we have to talk quietly?" Sam looked questioningly at Louis, who turned around to face Sam instead of looking at him through the mirror.

He still sat with a big smile on his face, and Louis only now noticed that he had his legs crossed in front of him on the bed.

Such a child, Louis thought before answering Sam's question.

"We're in my aunt's room because I didn't want Isaac to hear the constant barrage of questions you're asking me. That's also why we're talking quietly. I don't know how good the carry of sound waves is through this apartment and through the wall."

"Fair point," Sam responded, though his smile got bigger as he shook his head.

Louis sensed that there was some form of scheme going on in his head, but he had no idea what it could be, and tried his best to ignore it.

"I'm probably going to regret asking this." Louis decided to ask anyway as he turned back to look at himself in the mirror, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "But, shirt tucked or untucked?"

Louis watched in the mirror as Sam laughed, shaking his head. He knew that he would regret it.

"Untucked," Sam responded after he recomposed himself. "You're not going to see the queen."

"I may as well be," Louis muttered before moving away from the mirror, and sitting next to Sam. "I swear to God, Sam, if you say anything remotely out-of-line to Isaac. No one will find your body."

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