Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

"Piss off."

Louis' heart began to beat faster once more, and he suddenly sat up straighter in his chair. Isaac was gay? Why hadn't he said anything? Yes, Louis was a stranger, and the topic hadn't really come up; apart from when Louis mentioned his sexuality earlier in the evening. But that posed the question: How did Shawn know?

"That seems a touch harsh," Shawn replied, faking an offended look. "Though I did say I wouldn't say anything like that."

"He's not gay," Louis said, definitively shaking his head.

Isaac couldn't be gay. Why would he react the way he did before if he was gay? There wasn't any reason for it. Not in Louis' eyes anyway.

"I'm pretty sure he is." Shawn nodded his head as if he was agreeing with himself.

"How would you know?" Louis asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Because he told me?" Shawn laughed. "On, like, the first day we met."

"The first day? Really?"

"Yeah, one of my other friends brought him over to our table at lunch and introduced us, and Isaac said, and I quote, 'Hi, guys, I'm Isaac. Now, I may play your sport, but don't get any ideas, gentlemen; none of you are my type.'" Shawn finished off Isaac's impression with a rather complex hand gesture, making Louis laugh.

"That was a fantastic impersonation. Can't comment on the hand gesture though," Louis muttered before collecting his thoughts again. "But when I told him I was gay before, he acted really weird about it. He pretty much just left."

"Did you say you were going on a date?" Shawn asked, and Louis nodded.

"Yeah, pretty much in the same sentence."

Both the boys went quiet for a moment, and it looked as though Shawn was thinking about something rather hard. His forehead had become crinkled, and his eyes squinted, and Louis couldn't help but think that he was definitely cute. Though, even with that thought, he just couldn't seem to get his mind off the fact that he wanted it to be Isaac opposite him. Letting out a silent sigh, Louis brought his attention back to the table, pulling himself out of his thoughts, just in time to see Shawn's eyes light up and a huge smile spread across his face.

"Oh, my God. Lou? Lou-Lou?" he suddenly asked.

"Uh, what?" Louis was taken aback by the sudden enthusiasm and the nickname.

"Do people call you that? Is it a pet name? Does Isaac call you that?" Shawn fired the questions at Louis so fast, Louis barely caught any of what he was saying.

"Wha—yes, why?" he stuttered.

"Oh, my God!" Shawn yelled. "You're Lou-Lou! You're the Goddamn guy!" Shawn continued to yell, causing Louis to worry that they'd get kicked out of the restaurant, as he was positive that everyone in the building had heard the exclamation.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Louis asked in a harsh whisper.

"You're Lou!" Shawn brought his voice down to the same level as Louis', and he leant forward in his chair, closer to Louis.

"Yes, I am." Louis raised his eyebrows. "I'm glad you remember."

"No, you idiot." Shawn rolled his eyes. "Isaac talks about you all the time!"

Louis' heart stopped for what seemed like the fiftieth time that night. Isaac talked about him? Isaac thought about him? Louis hadn't realised that he existed to Isaac outside of their little wall talks. Louis never even considered that he would play on Isaac's mind, just as Isaac played on his own.

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