Chapter Forty-Five

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Chapter Forty-Five

After a few moments, Louis felt Isaac move closer to him before resting his head on Louis' shoulder, his hair gently brushing his cheek. Louis' heart fluttered at the feeling, and his stomach felt as though it was doing summersaults. The rest of his body felt content, and he felt as though he could stay like that forever.

"Can I ask you a question?" Isaac asked suddenly, breaking the silence between the two. "It may be too personal, so you don't have to answer it."

"You can ask anything," Louis replied, though his mind had started racing as he tried to think of all the possible questions Isaac could ask, and if he was prepared to answer them.

Isaac took a moment to speak again, but when he did, Louis didn't expect the question he asked.

"Why do you live with your aunt?" The question hung between the two boys for a few moments while Louis processed it.

It was a perfectly reasonable question, and Isaac had heard that they didn't really see eye-to-eye, so why live with her? That's what outsiders would think anyway, and at that moment, Isaac was still a bit of an outsider to Louis, though Louis was contemplating letting him in. With a small sigh, Louis made his decision.

"I moved in with her after my parents died."

Just like the question they had followed, Louis' words hung suspended in the air, and while Louis could have guessed that Isaac had already suspected the answer, he could still feel a sense of shock in the air.

"I'm so sorry, Lou." Isaac's voice was barely a whisper, and Louis felt his hand squeeze even tighter.

"It's okay," Louis said just as softly, looking down at his own lap. "It was a long time ago."

Louis tried to keep his voice steady, though he could hear it breaking, and he could feel the tears start to form in his eyes; so, he closed them, and he kept them shut. He felt Isaac shift even closer to him before letting go of his hand and wrapping his arms around Louis body, pulling him into a hug.

"I couldn't even imagine..." he began but fell into silence, and Louis knew that he was having trouble finding the words to say.

"It's okay," Louis repeated, though this time he could not stop his voice from breaking as the thoughts of his parents floated around in his mind.

Isaac didn't say anything else but continued to hold Louis close, nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck. As he did so, Louis felt a tear slip out of his eye and run down his cheek. He rarely told anyone about his parents or the reason he lived with his aunt. The only other people who knew were Kara and her family. He hadn't even told Sam. He just accepted it. Louis had to admit that it felt good to let someone else in, and he was glad that it was Isaac.

"You're the only person I've told," Louis whispered to Isaac.

"What about Kara?" Isaac asked, seemingly reading Louis' mind, not moving from his position, though tightening his grip around Louis.

"She was there when it happened," Louis replied, feeling a few more tears rolling out of his eyes and down his cheeks, and he could feel his entire body shudder as he took a deep breath in.

"Lou, you don't have to tell me—" Isaac started, sincerity and sadness coating his voice, but Louis cut him off.

"No, I want to. I need to." Louis ended the sentence in a barely audible whisper, but Isaac seemed to have heard it.

Louis felt him nod into his neck. Louis spoke again, his voice shaking and cracking.

"Kara and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Her family was, and still is, a second family to me. I used to spend so much time at their house, and I was there when it happened."

Louis paused for a moment and took a few deep breaths. It had been nine years since it happened, and Louis thought it'd be easier to talk about it now, but it wasn't. He was starting to think that it would never be easy.

"I was eight. My parents were meant to be going out for a date-night, but, I also had a school play on that night. So, they went there first. When it finished I went to stay at Kara's why they went out. Their date-night didn't start until three hours later than it would have if I wasn't in the play."

Louis paused again, keeping his eyes in his lap. He didn't want to look at Isaac. He knew that if he did he would never finish talking.

"I don't know how the police knew where I was, but they did. I also didn't know how late it was, but it was getting close to midnight. They came knocking on the door asking if I was there."

Louis fell silent, tears now streaming effortlessly down his face as he felt Isaac press closer and closer to him with every passing second. Louis' hands sat fiddling in his lap, not bothering to wipe the tears away as they fell.

"On their way to dinner, after they had left the play, they were hit by a drunk driver. They died before they got to the hospital."

"Lou..." was all Isaac seemed to be able to say as he raised his head and stared at Louis, who was still looking down at his hands.

Isaac unravelled his arms from around Louis' body, and brought his hand to Louis' cheek, wiping away some of the tears. The two boys sat in silence, and as Louis tried to recompose himself, Isaac had wrapped his arms back around Louis and nuzzled in close again, trying his best to comfort him.

"Thank you, Isaac," Louis muttered after a few minutes when he had gotten himself back under control. His face was red and wet from the tears he had cried, though they had stopped falling now. He took his glasses off to wipe his eyes and focus his vision as Isaac pulled away from his body to look at him.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me," Isaac whispered back, offering Louis a small heartfelt smile which Louis returned.

"I still blame myself," Louis said quietly. "If I hadn't been in that play—"

"You can't do that, Lou. Please, don't," Isaac mumbled, and Louis tried to keep his breathing in check.

"I know. I'm sorry for ruining the perfect date," Louis mumbled, looking back down at his lap, feeling stupid for crying in front of Isaac.

"You didn't ruin it," Isaac replied, grabbing Louis' hand that had been sitting in his lap. "I feel closer to you now; isn't that what dates are for?"

Isaac offered another smile before picking himself up from the ledge they sat on, silently asking if Louis needed help getting up, who let Isaac pull him to his feet.

"You didn't have to tell me that, but I'm glad you did."

Louis smiled at Isaac, who was looking up ever so slightly up, to look into Louis' eyes.

"You're perfect." Louis smiled and shook his head. "I feel so stupid for crying."

"It's not stupid," Isaac smiled, grabbing Louis glasses from his hand and bringing them up to Louis' face. "You need these to see," he stated before carefully putting them on Louis.

They stood, staring at each other, Louis looking down a touch, and Isaac looking up. Louis liked the small height difference between them; he didn't have to kink his neck to look at Isaac eyes, which he seemed to be doing a lot.

As they continued to stand near the edge of the building's roof, the wind gently brushing past them, and the silence of the night washing over them, Louis couldn't think of a better place to be. As for the company; he couldn't ask for anyone better, and before he realised what he was doing, he found himself leaning in. Even more of a surprise to him was the fact Isaac was leaning in, too. Both of them slowly closed their eyes, and in a matter of moments, their lips met, and Louis could have stayed like that forever.


A/N: Their first kiss!

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No question.

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