Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"You didn't sleep, did you?" Sarah's voice came from behind Louis as he looked at the door after Sam.

"Not quite." Louis turned to look at her. "But it's no big deal. It happens all the time."

"Louis..." Sarah started, but Louis cut her off.

"Come on; breakfast is waiting for you downstairs, made by yours truly." Louis did a small bow before walking over to Sarah and grabbing her hand, pulling her out of bed.

"I could have gotten up myself, thanks."

"True, but I have a flair for the dramatics." Louis nudged her, and they made their way down to the kitchen.

"Sam, will you slow down?" Louis caught Kate saying just as they walked in.

"But it's so good!" Sam defended himself, stuffing more bacon into his mouth.

"Why not compliment the chef?" Louis joked, sitting next to his best friend, who was now shoving some French toast into his mouth, while still chewing bacon. "After you've swallowed, ideally."

"I don't know how you learnt to cook so well, Lou," Sam said after swallowing massively.

"That's all I get?" Louis shook his head.

"I'm sorry, you baby." Sam stopped eating and cleared his throat, turning to face Louis. "Louis. My dear, dear Louis. This meal that you have bestowed upon me and my family has not only cleansed us of our hunger but also made me consider marrying you. But only if I got to eat meals like this every day for as long as you live. This breakfast is beyond anything I could have imagined, and I just wanted to say thank you." Sam finished and blew Louis a kiss before diving back into his meal.

"Sorry, I spaced out for a second; what was that?" Louis said, and Sam glared at him.

"The food's good, you dumbass," Sam spat and glared at Louis.

"Be nice, Sam," Kate jokingly warned.


"No buts," Clarke chimed in, trying not to laugh.


"Uh-uh," Louis joined in. "Be nice to your new husband."

"You're lucky this bacon is good, Louis, or you'd be getting it."

"Sam." Louis partially covered his face and pretended to be embarrassed. "Not in front of your parents."

"Oh, my God. I don't need this." Sam got up and grabbed his plate, still full of food. "I'm taking my food and leaving."

As Sam walked out of the kitchen, Louis, Sarah, and his parents laughed.


"Alright. Be at school on Monday. Make sure to eat healthily and don't take any hard drugs."

Sam had just dropped Louis off at his apartment building and had walked with him to the door of his apartment. It was late Saturday night, and Sam, Louis, and Sarah had spent most of the day together in Sam's room, playing games and chatting until Sarah had to leave. With it just being Sam and Louis, Sam tried to talk about the date with Shawn a bit more, but Louis wasn't having any of it, ignoring him the best he could.

The truth was, he didn't want to think about it. He knew it was happening, and when it was happening; that was enough for now. Shawn hadn't messaged him again since Sam last spoken with him, so Louis thought it best to push the date out of his mind until Friday or until Shawn decided to talk to him. Either way, he somehow managed to get Sam off the subject eventually.

All-be-it too soon, in Louis' eyes, he'd gotten a message from his aunt telling him to come home, which is what he'd done. It wasn't often, but sometimes his aunt seemed like she cared. She didn't want him being out for too many days at a time. Louis had no doubt she would be passed out somewhere in the apartment by now anyway. Either way, Louis was standing in front of Sam, ready to go into his apartment, and Sam was trying his best to show that he cared about Louis without being too serious. Louis didn't understand why though; he already knew Sam was a massive softy.

"Well... don't do any drugs that Jesus wouldn't do," Sam continued, and Louis crossed his arms.

"I don't think he'd do any drugs."

"You're not even religious; how would you know?" Sam shot back.

"Oh, you're right. The almighty good guy, son of an even greater good, did do drugs," Louis stated sarcastically. "How could I ever doubt you?"

"Okay, you need to tone it down, like, ten notches."

"You know you love it." Louis winked at Sam.

"Go and get some sleep, you freak." Sam shook his head, but Louis could hear the sincerity in his voice. It made him smile.

"Whatever you say, babe." Louis winked again. "I'll see you on Monday."

"See ya, Lou!" Sam called as Louis went into his apartment.

Louis hadn't been wrong when he thought his aunt would be out cold when he got home. As soon as he walked in and closed the door behind him, he could hear her snores coming from her room, which still had the door open. Louis shook his head and started towards his room, trying not to look at the mess that the apartment had found itself in once again.

I'm gone for a day. One day, Louis thought to himself, struggling to avoid cleaning straight away.

Louis reached his room and closed his door so that he couldn't see the mess he had just walked through. Letting out a deep sigh, Louis dropped his bag full of the things he had taken to Sam's and the new shirt Sam had bought for him and jumped on his bed. He had already had a shower at Sam's and removed his contact lenses, so he was ready to fall asleep. He didn't know if he could be bothered changing out of his clothes and into the sweatpants he wore to bed, so, instead, he settled for just taking his shoes off.

After getting comfortable under his sheets, Louis pulled his phone out, which he hadn't checked since Friday, and noticed that Kara still hadn't messaged him. He wasn't surprised, as he hadn't felt it vibrate to indicate otherwise, but he couldn't say that he wasn't concerned.

It was very rare for her to brush off a call with Louis, especially if he had missed one previously. She worried so easily and would usually constantly call him to make sure he was okay. But not this time. Apart from the text messages they had exchanged the other day, Louis hadn't heard anything from her. She said she had to go but wouldn't tell him why, and Louis didn't know what to think.

Wishing that his best friend would talk to him, Louis decided he wasn't going to get any sleep again, and while groaning and clenching his jaw, he got up and ambled out of his room, beginning another clean-up of his apartment.


A/N: If I don't update this book at any point, it's not because I haven't written it... I have.

It'll just be because I'm lazy.

A question though:

Why do you think Kara isn't talking to Louis?

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