Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Louis stayed silent, but he nodded in acknowledgement and watched as Sam turned around and walked back down the stairs. With no one standing with him to hold him up, Louis felt like he was going to fall at any moment. He placed his hand against the wall to stop himself from collapsing. His jaw was throbbing with pain, and he felt incredibly lightheaded. Taking very slow steps, Louis made his way towards the door that led into Sam's room. It wasn't usually a long distance to cover, but it felt miles away.

Although it only took him less than a minute, Louis finally reached the door after what felt like an eternity to him. Pushing it open, he walked into Sam's room. Like the house itself, it wasn't massive, but it wasn't small either. There was plenty of space to move around, even with the queen-sized bed sitting in the middle of the far wall.

Louis could vividly remember all the times he had been in this room. He remembered hiding in the built-in-closet, to the left of the door he had just entered. He and Sam had gone into Sam's sister's room, and she was not happy about it. Louis also remembered the long nights playing video games with Sam, both of them yelling at the television screen that sat on a dresser in the corner to Louis' right.

Letting out a faint sigh, bringing himself out of the memories, Louis dropped his bag on the floor next to the door. He carefully walked over to Sam's bed, no longer having a wall to use as a crutch. He staggered, but he was soon sitting on the bed's edge.

He knew that he should try to sleep, as he did feel tired. Tired enough to try, at least. But he also knew it was very unlikely that he'd be able to sleep. Pushing that thought aside, he decided to give it a go. Slipping his shoes off, he pulled himself under the covers and closed his eyes, hoping that sleep would come over him. It did not.

Louis didn't know how long he'd been lying there with his eyes closed; all he knew was that it had been a while. He had been tossing and turning, trying to find a position he was comfortable in, but to no avail. Nothing had helped him in his efforts to fall asleep. He even got up and turned Sam's sound system on, playing low, soothing music. But he still lay awake.

A soft knock came from the door, and Louis heard it open. Keeping his eyes closed, he waited for them to speak.

"Lou?" Sam's voice was low and seemed to come from somewhere a lot further away than the door.

"I'm awake," Louis responded quietly, fluttering his eyes open and peering towards the open door.

Light spilled around Sam's broad figure, seeping gently into the room. Though it was only a dull light, Louis squinted his eyes at the sight of it.

"Did you get any sleep?" Sam asked moving forward after getting the all clear that Louis was awake.

It only took him three steps before he was beside his bed, looking at his best friend.

"Does not sleeping count as getting sleep?"

Louis forced a smile as he rolled on his back and looked up at Sam. The same concern from earlier still very visible on his face.

"Somehow, I don't think so," Sam took a seat next to Louis on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"My head feels like it's about to explode, and my jaw feels pretty much the same."

"I'm sorry—"

"Stop apologising. This isn't your fault. Plus, I feel like if I weren't such a badass and let his fist follow through instead of flexing and holding my head in place, it would not be as bad as it is." Louis let out a fake laugh before realising that it hurt his head.

Sam moved the subject back. "I just wish you'd gotten some sleep."

"Yeah, so do I..." Louis' said to himself before asking Sam, "what time is it?"

"Almost eleven."

"What?!" Louis bolted upright, regretting it instantly as pain shot through his head.

"It's alright, calm down. You can stay here the night," Sam said, gently pushing Louis back down on the bed.

"No," Louis said. "I need to get back home, I'm sorry, Sam."

Sam shook his head, deciding it was best not to argue.

"Don't be sorry. Come on."

Sam stood up from the bed and grabbed Louis' arm, pulling him upright and waiting for Louis to get his shoes on. Once he finished, Louis grabbed Sam's arm for support as he pulled himself to his feet. Louis swayed slightly, regaining his balance, but still letting Sam lead him out of the bedroom, grabbing his bag on the way out.

Louis ambled through the house with Sam by his side, eventually making it to Sam's car. Both of them got in without a word. As much as he didn't want to go back to his apartment, and as much as he wanted to stay with Sam, Louis couldn't just disappear for the night. Yes, he was angry with his aunt, but he couldn't let her worry. He already had too many other people worrying about him; he didn't need another.

The car's engine hummed through the seats, and Louis groaned as he leaned back in his seat. He had forgotten that it was Wednesday today and that he had made plans to talk with Kara. He'd already missed it, and her being the goody-two-shoes she was, she was probably already asleep.

Great, Louis thought. Yet another person who's going to freak out.

As always, it wasn't long before Sam pulled up in front of Louis' apartment building and jumped out of the car to help Louis out. It was then a long and very painful trek up the stairs for Louis, but, somehow, with a lot of help from Sam, he managed to reach his apartment.

"Thank you, Sam," Louis said as he placed his hand on his door's handle.

"Anytime." The look in Sam's eyes had not changed, and Louis couldn't bear to look into them anymore, so he averted his gaze.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Louis questioned.

"I hope so." Sam looked down at the ground before glancing back up at Louis, whose heart dropped, remembering the situation he was in. "Try to get some sleep."

"Try is the keyword." Louis offered a small smile, and Sam returned it, though they knew they had been forced.

Sam gave a small nod and muttered a 'goodbye' before making his way back down the stairs.

Louis sighed, turning his attention back to his apartment door. He was exhausted. Not just physically but emotionally. He wasn't used to being so open with people and expressing himself. It was hard for him. It always had been. But Sam was right; opening up would be good for him. He didn't want to hurt his friends. He didn't want them to worry any more than they already were.

Shaking his head, Louis opened the door. It had been unlocked, which meant that his aunt was home. Carefully, Louis walked into his apartment and quietly looked around for his aunt. When he couldn't spot her in the living area or the kitchen, he looked over at her bedroom door and saw that it was closed. With no indication of her being anywhere else in the apartment, Louis guessed that she was in there.

Locking the door behind him, Louis made his way into his room and dumped his bag on the floor. He swiftly got undressed and slipped into some sweatpants before falling onto his bed, regretting the decision, as pain rushed through his head and jaw. Louis groaned along with his bedsprings.

"Someone's in late."


A/N: Fifteen!

So, no massive question on this chapter. Though, you can still vote and comment if you would like.

However, I do want to know if you're enjoying the story so far and where you think it's gonna go? Spread them fan theories, ahah!

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