Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

Once he got inside and closed the door, Louis scanned the living room and saw Kara sitting in front of the television. It wasn't turned on, and as soon as the door had closed, Louis could see Kara's head snap up in the reflection of the screen.

"Look who finally decided to come home," she said with a ring of excitement in her voice. Louis tried to avert his gaze from Kara as he wandered into the kitchen.

He glanced inside his aunt's room and noticed it was vacant.

Kara saw him look. "She went out not long ago. Quite hurriedly, actually."

Louis felt a surge of worry flow through his body but shrugged it off as best he could with a cold drink in his hand.

"I'm guessing you're here for a reason." Louis, of course, already knew the reason, but he decided to play dumb.

"Of course," Kara responded, getting up from the seat in front of the television and planting herself on the chair at the kitchen counter. "I'm here for the same reason your friend, Sarah, has stayed up this late to talk to Isaac. Details."

Louis smiled at his best friend. "Oh, so you and Sarah have bonded quite nicely, have you?"

"Considering you want to bang her brother, and you're pretty much my brother, who her brother wants to bang; yeah, we did bond pretty nicely.'"

Louis blushed furiously at her words and struggled to find his own to defend himself.

"I don't want to bang him," he finally said in a harsh whisper.

"Mhm, sure." Kara laughed before leaning across the counter. "So, did you kiss?"

Louis' face, if it were even possible, flushed red even more.


"What was the point, then?!" Kara laughed at the look on Louis' face as he continued to get redder.

"Oh, shut up!"

"Come on, Lou-Lou, tell me about him," Kara pressed for information. There was not an easy way out, so he decided to get it over with.

"We just went to a little pizza place and had something to eat. We mainly talked."


"Things, Kara. Just random stuff. It was different because we've already told each other the basics through the wall, so it was just... stuff."

Louis didn't really know what else to say. Sure, he and Isaac talked about their interests and hobbies, but Louis wasn't going to stand there and tell Kara every single detail about that.

"Is there a connection?" Kara asked, raising her eyebrows. "Because your face lit up like a Christmas tree while you talked about him."

"Shut up!"

He looked down at the counter and thought about Kara's question. There was definitely something between them. Every time they touched; Louis felt it. Every time Isaac spoke, or Louis looked at him; he couldn't help but feel something. Whether that went both ways, he didn't know and could only hope.

"Louis?" Kara's voice brought Louis out of his thoughts, and he looked up at her, seeing that her eyebrows were still raised.

"I don't know," Louis responded. "I think so...?"

"Well, that's a terrible answer." Kara laughed but dropped the subject anyway.

"I think I'm just gonna go to bed," Louis thought aloud, and Kara shook her head at him.

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