Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"Is everything okay?" He seemed concerned, and it made Louis smile.

"It's great, just my best friend being a twat," Louis whispered back, getting closer to Isaac, not wanting Sam to know he was speaking to a wall.

"Preach that," Isaac let out a small laugh.

"I would stay and chat, but I gotta run," Louis said. "Or else he's probably gonna try and murder me."

"Try being the keyword." Louis let out a laugh at Isaac's words.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Hear ya' later, Isaac."

"Have fun!" Isaac called as Louis picked up his backpack, now full of clothes, and headed out of his room.

"Who were you talking to in there?" Sam questioned.

"Our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ."

"You're such a weirdo." Sam laughed.

"Shut up, I was just reminding myself what I need," Louis lied, feeling bad immediately after. "You're so nosey."

"Did you get your contact lenses solution crap or whatever it is?" Sam raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, son of a... Goddamnit." Louis quickly ducked into his bathroom to retrieve his lenses.

"Seems like talking to yourself didn't really work, did it?" Sam teased.

"Shut up." Louis snarled as he emerged from the bathroom, tucking a small container into his bag.

"Are you ready?" Sam asked, eyeing Louis.

"Yes, I'm ready, Jesus. Let's go." Louis walked past Sam and opened the door, gesturing Sam out.

"Alright then, let's hit it, shall we?" Sam moved out of the apartment and waited for Louis to lock the door. Once he did, they started making their way down the stairs. "Don't forget to text your aunt and tell her you're not gonna be home tonight," Sam reminded Louis.

"Oh, yeah, you're right. Thanks." Louis pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed up a small message and sent it to his aunt.

"That's what I'm here for," Sam said as they reached the bottom of the stairs and headed outside.

"What, reminding me to message my aunt?" Louis said, slipping into the passenger seat of Sam's car.

"No, being right," Sam replied, bringing the car to life.

"You keep telling yourself that." Louis drummed his fingers on his phone's screen before he messaged Sarah to let her know they were on their way.

"I will keep telling myself that. Gotta boost my ego somehow."

"Honestly, Sam, I think your head's big enough already," Louis retorted. "Both literally and metaphorically."

"Oh, hey, Louis, it's good to have you back." Sam gave Louis a gentle punch in the shoulder, though kept his eyes trained on the road.

"Shove off, Samuel." Louis shot a glare at Sam before reading the message Sarah had sent. "Sarah said she'd be at the park soon and that she was just at another friend's house."

"She has other friends?" Sam asked, faking a hurt tone.

"Sam, I think I'm the only one in this group who doesn't have any other friends." Louis laughed.

"Yeah, but you're also the only one in this little group who is going to be going on a date." Sam glanced at Louis and winked before turning his attention back to the road.

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