Chapter Fifty-Two

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Chapter Fifty-Two

Isaac didn't leave Louis' side. He waited with him while Sarah rushed to call Sam. He stayed when Sam ushered them outside and into his car. Isaac sat with him in the waiting room at the hospital, as well. Sam had constantly been asking the nurses and reception if there was any news, but no one could tell them anything.

Louis was seated next to Isaac, bent over with his head in his hands, letting the few tears that remained in his eyes fall to the floor. His mind seemed to be on constant replay, playing the events of the night over and over again, tormenting him with every second. There was nothing he could do. His mind wouldn't stop focusing on it, and he couldn't stop seeing his aunt on the ground, right in front of him, slowly dying. He couldn't stop seeing his own mother. It had been like losing her all over again.

Louis tried to push his mind away from his mother, but when he did, it just fell right back onto his aunt again. The blood on the floor, curdled with vomit. Her convulsing body, dripping with sweat. Could he have done more to help? Did he do everything he could? Why? These questions kept circling around in his head, but Louis did not know the answer to any of them.

The only thing he knew for sure was that his aunt had a drug overdose; there was no denying that. He wondered: If he had done something about that little bag of drugs he found some time ago, other than just get rid of it, would this still have happened? Would his aunt still be dead?

She's not dead, Louis thought to himself, trying his best to stay optimistic. He didn't believe it though. Her heart had been stopped for at least five minutes before the paramedics arrived, and Louis had no idea if he or they had gotten it going again. He felt Isaac's arm squeeze him tight, and a certain warmth ran through him. He stiffly brought his head up from his hands and squinted his eyes at the bright light that filled the waiting room.

As his eyes adjusted, Louis saw Sam pacing in front of him. His eyes were red, and Louis could tell he had been crying. Not for Louis' aunt but for him.

Louis glanced to his right and saw Sarah sitting next to him, curled up in the chair, asleep, though still looking very restless.

"Do you need anything?" Isaac's voice drifted smoothly over Louis' shoulder, and he turned to his left to look at the boy next to him.

His eyes were soft, and just like Sam's, they were red. All he wanted to do was apologise to him. Apologise for bringing him into this. Louis felt guilty for what Isaac had witnessed, and he blamed himself.

Louis shook his head in response, unsure if he would be able to find any words to speak. He continued to look into Isaac's eyes as Isaac stared back. There was so much that he wanted to say, but he knew that if he tried, he would fall apart again; so he settled for moving his hand over to Isaac's and gripping it tightly.

"Louis Stan?" The voice came suddenly, causing Louis' heart to thump loudly in his chest.

He looked up to see who had called his name and saw the doctor before him. Sam had stopped pacing, and his attention was also on the doctor.

Louis nodded in acknowledgement, still not sure if he could trust his own voice.

"Would you please come with me?" the doctor spoke gently, and Louis nodded once again, letting go of Isaac's hand and standing up, moving carefully towards the doctor.

He stopped, then turned to look over at Sam, who was now watching him, worry coating his face.

"Sam..." Louis managed to get out, though it was nearly inaudible, but as Sam nodded his head, Louis knew that he had been heard and that didn't have to say any more.

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