Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter Forty-Four

As Isaac said, the place they were going to was close by, and the walk was only short. In no time at all, Isaac came to a stop in front of a building and turned to look at Louis.

"We're here," he whispered, and Louis looked at the building before them. It was nothing fancy. In fact, Louis had a feeling it had been abandoned a long time ago, and all of a sudden, Louis was feeling extremely nervous.

"Uh, are we...?" Louis asked, turning to Isaac.

"Okay, I know it looks bad, but," Isaac started, and he let go of Louis' hand, walking towards the glass door of the building. "I wanted this date to be special."

"So, you're going to murder me in an abandoned twelve-story building?" Louis asked, chuckling, though still noticeably nervous.

"Well, that was the plan," Isaac joked, before making his way back over to Louis and taking his hand again, and all of Louis' nerves seemed to relax. "Come on, trust me."

Louis nodded and let himself be dragged up to the glass door, where Isaac pushed it open. To Louis' surprise, it opened without a problem or even a sound, and the two boys walked into the dark room beyond it. Isaac reached into his back pocket and pulled out a flashlight, turning it on and illuminating the room.

As the light swept around the room, Louis saw that it was empty, apart from a few spider webs strung up in the corners. Louis gave Isaac a side-eye, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to see it before he felt himself being pulled towards the far end of the room where they came to a staircase.

"So, I know you don't want to get all sweaty, so we'll take it slow," Isaac said through the darkness as he shone his torch up the old wooden staircase, and Louis could hear a smile in his voice.

Louis smiled, too, and shook his head before he followed Isaac up the stairs, still holding his hand. Louis had to admit, while he hated surprises, he was still excited about what was happening. The worry he had felt before seemed to have gone away. Isaac had a way of calming Louis, and he felt good knowing there was someone who could do that to him.

The trek up the stairs took a lot longer than it needed to due to the fact that the boys were taking their sweet time on their way up. They stayed in silence the whole way, firmly holding onto each other. But at last, they reached their destination.

"I really hope you like this," he whispered after leaning up to Louis' ear, causing him to shiver slightly as Isaac's minty breath ran across his face.

Isaac opened the door they reached, causing moonlight to spill into the hallway and shine across them. Louis looked out the door and sharply inhaled before letting go of Isaac's hand and walking out. As he stepped over the threshold, he found himself standing on the roof of the building, giving him a view of the town below. There were very few tall buildings around, and most of them didn't have roof access, so Louis had never experienced anything like this before.

As he moved further out onto the roof, Louis looked around, taking in the view that sat before him. All of the little houses with their lights on, illuminating their yards, and the streetlamps that littered the sidewalks and road islands. It was by no means the view you'd get in the city, but it was perfect. It was so quiet and quaint, and Louis felt as though he could spend hours sitting up here, looking at the world below.

"Okay, if you're gonna murder me, I'm glad it's up here." Louis grinned, turning back around to look at Isaac, who was still standing at the door, looking at Louis with anticipation.

"You like it?" he asked, moving forward and stepping over the threshold to join Louis.

"I do. It's beautiful up here," Louis replied, smiling down at Isaac. "How'd you find this place? I didn't even know any buildings around here had roof access."

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