Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Jumping out of his bed, Louis strolled into the bathroom next to his bedroom and turned the shower on while he began brushing his teeth. Louis took his time in the bathroom, staying in the shower for close to thirty minutes. It was relaxing and the water was hot for most of it, and it felt to Louis like he was washing off all the pain and anger from the past few days.

When Louis finished, he shut the water off before jumping out and drying himself. He stepped over to the mirror, observing his jaw. The bruise he had there was still prominent. It was a dark shade of purple, and Louis could see it that had swelled up. He gently touched it with his finger and winced in pain.

"Smart move, dumbass," Louis mumbled to himself before he moved his attention to the rest of his face and saw the dark circles under his eyes. While they were still there, they were much less visible, and he noticed that he looked like a functioning member of society.

Smiling to himself, Louis made his way out of the bathroom and back into his room, grabbing a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt out of his wardrobe. Heading out to his small kitchen, Louis decided to make some pancakes for breakfast; though not before making sure his aunt wasn't home, not wanting a repeat of the other night.

Once he saw it was all clear, Louis got to work, and it wasn't long before he was eating his freshly made pancakes in front of the small television. Louis had just finished his breakfast when his phone began vibrating again.

"Hello?" Louis asked as he answered his phone.

"Hi!" Sarah's voice came through the speaker, and Louis made a mental note to save her as a contact in his phone.

As Louis heard Sarah's voice, he heard another voice come from outside of his apartment. It was muffled and faint, and it was followed by a separate, much quieter voice, which Louis thought had come through his phone, too.

Louis shook the thought away quickly and focus on Sarah's voice, and smiled into the receiver.

"Sam told me you weren't coming in today or tomorrow?"

"Sam would be right." Louis snickered.

"Well, today doesn't bother me because I'm not there, but tomorrow? I thought we were walking partners!" Sarah faked an offended tone.

"Sorry." Louis dragged the word out. "Get Sam to drive you. He loves the company."

"Maybe I will," Sarah replied with a chuckle before she started yelling. "Oh, okay, Mr Fancy-School! Just because you have a private bus, doesn't mean everyone else gets one!"

Louis, once again, heard a muffled voice outside of his apartment, though it was much quieter now, and he knotted his eyebrows.

"Sorry about that, Lou. My brother is being a dick. The one time I'm actually home for the night, and he's done nothing but annoy me."

"It's fine," Louis said with a chuckle, though, he couldn't stop concern for Sarah circling his mind. "Are you okay?"

"That's what I was going to ask you! You do sound better," Sarah said, and Louis took it as a hint that she didn't want to talk about it.

"I am. Thanks, Sarah," Louis replied, feeling even more concern for Sarah, though not pressing her. "I'm just taking some time for myself."

"I think I'm going to talk to the principal tomorrow," Sarah said suddenly, seemingly ignoring the last bit of what Louis said.

"Please, don't get yourself in trouble," Louis pleaded, suddenly feeling worried.

"It's okay, Louis, I won't. I just want to make sure you're not expelled," Sarah reassured.

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