Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Was it possible for a voice to ease pain? Louis had no idea about the science behind it, but he knew Isaac's voice seemed to ease his. The caring voice floated so effortlessly through the wall, calming Louis instantly.

"Maybe you're just in early," Louis muttered into his pillow.

He knew that comeback was terrible, but he was too tired and sore to think of anything better to say.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Isaac asked. "I didn't quite catch that, due to..." Isaac went quiet, and to Louis, it sounded as if he had stopped himself from saying something.

Louis raised his head, so his mouth wasn't smothered by his pillow.

"I said, maybe you're just in early." Louis silently cursed himself for not thinking of something smarter to say, especially due to his second chance.

"I'd say due to the fact I get up at four-thirty in the morning, eleven-thirty isn't early at all. In fact, I think it's not early enough." Louis could hear the smugness in Isaac's voice and could almost see a smile plastered on his mysterious face through the wall.

"Wait, why do you get up at four-thirty?" Louis suddenly thought aloud.

"I go to school in the city, remember?"

"Oh, right. Sorry."

A blush of embarrassment rushed to Louis' face, and he was thankful there was a wall in between them. He should have remembered that, considering his memory was something he usually relished in. But it had been a long day.

"It's alright. I don't expect you to remember everything from our first conversation," Isaac commented, smugness still laced in his voice. "At least you remember my name, right?"

"Of course, I remember your name, Stanley. How could I forget?" Louis smirked.

"I'm hurt, Lewis."

"How dare you."

Louis couldn't help himself, and he let out a laugh. It was only a small laugh, but it brought a huge amount of pain to his face. Even so, when he stopped laughing, his face still had a smile on it. He had no idea how it happened, considering the day he had been having, but, somehow, Isaac had managed to bring some happiness to Louis, even if it was just a little bit.

"Wait, Louis, how do you spell your name?" Isaac asked suddenly.

Raising his eyebrows, Louis responded, "Why?"

"Well, it's pronounced 'loo-ee', but I doubt you'd spell it how it sounds, and... I've never met anyone with that name before," Isaac replied shyly.

"L-O-U-I-S," Louis answered, still smiling. "But surely you've heard of someone with my name. There are tons of famous people with it."

"Honestly, I don't pay much attention to things." Isaac chuckled.

"I can tell."

Louis pushed himself up and rearranged himself on his bed. The pain in his head and jaw had dulled down a bit, thanks to Isaac, but it still made him wince. He was now sitting facing the plain wall that sat behind his bed, with his legs crossed. He was still tired, but once again, he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, so he thought talking to Isaac would help take his mind off things.

"That makes next to no sense, though," Isaac's voice came through the wall. "I mean, it does make more sense than the name Lois. But still..." Isaac let out a laugh.

"Oh, yeah? I'm guessing your name has two 'a's in it," Louis retorted. "That's just greedy; you don't need that many."

"Well, I'm sorry my parents like that letter. It reminds them of the bee's ancestors."

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