Chapter Fifty-Three

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Chapter Fifty-Three

Louis didn't know how long they had been driving, but he knew that it wasn't a short trip. The hospital wasn't very close to Sam's house, but eventually, they arrived. Louis didn't move, however, and continued to stay still, leaning into Isaac's arms. He heard Sam and Sarah shuffle a bit before getting out of the car, leaving him and Isaac alone.

"Sam's already spoken with his family, just after we arrived at the hospital, and his parents are going to deal with everything." Isaac spoke softly, but Louis could hear a hint of strain in his voice.

Louis nodded, not really taking in any of Isaac's words, and kept his eyes closed, bathing in the warmth Isaac's body was giving off.

"Are you and Sarah staying here tonight?" Louis asked quietly.

"Yeah, I've already messaged Mum. She and my dad have been at your apartment. They didn't think you should have to go back to..." Isaac went silent for a moment before changing the subject. "We should head inside."

Louis sighed but silently agreed, moving away from Isaac before opening the door and slipping out into the cool night air. As soon as Louis' feet hit the pavement, it felt like the entire weight of the night fell onto his shoulder, and he felt himself stagger.

No longer in the comfort of Isaac's arms, Louis felt the sadness wash over him again, though it wasn't the only emotion to come forward. Anger started to boil under his skin. Anger at himself and his aunt. How could she have done this to him? How could she have been so careless?

"Louis..." Isaac's soft voice floated into Louis' ear as he felt an arm wrap around him, though it did nothing to help how Louis was feeling. Not this time.

"How could she do this?" Louis muttered, tears starting to form in his eyes once again. "Why?"

"Lou, I know it doesn't help, but I'm sorry," Isaac tried to comfort Louis, but to no avail as Louis slipped away from Isaac's touch and staggered up the driveway.

"She's gone, Isaac," Louis whispered through his tears, and Isaac moved slowly towards him.

"Lou, you did everything you could. The doctors and paramedics said you did everything you—" Isaac didn't get the chance to finish his thought.

"That's the point!" Louis' breathing became heavy, and he didn't care how many people heard him. "I did everything right! I did everything I could, and it didn't matter! Nothing mattered!"

Isaac froze, staring at Louis in shock. He didn't know what to say or do, but he didn't need to because a voice came from the house, causing the two boys to turn.

"Lou, come inside." Sam stood in the doorway, his mother standing beside him with tears in her eyes. Louis had recognised her voice straight away.

Louis looked down at his hands and saw that they were shaking, and he tried to get himself under control. Without another look back at Isaac, Louis made his way towards the house. Stumbling as he did, he pushed past Sam and his mother and only stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Louis spun around and saw Kate looking at him with pain in her eyes.

"Do you need anything?" she asked quietly, and Louis melted at her voice.

The voice of a mother; a mother who cared, and he almost fell apart again. He shook his head. As he watched Kate nod and drop her hand from his shoulder, Louis saw Isaac walk up to the front door of the house, whispering something to Sam while stealing a glance at Louis. A pang of guilt rushed through him at the sight of Isaac. He felt horrible for yelling at him; especially because he was just trying to help and support Louis.

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