Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Almost every night Louis had stayed at Sam's house, since he and Sam's mum had gotten on like a house on fire, Louis had made breakfast for the entire family in the morning. Because he rarely slept and was awake before anyone else, cooking for them was the least he could do to repay their kindness. Before the first time, he asked Sam's mum multiple times if he could use the kitchen, to make sure he wouldn't be stepping out of line. After that, though, he didn't hesitate to head into the kitchen of a morning and whip up breakfast for the Drayton family as a thank you for having him.

Louis made his way into the kitchen as he reached the bottom of the stairs and started pulling pots and pans out of cupboards and ingredients out of the fridge and pantry. He knew that he could be louder in the kitchen due to the fact all of the bedrooms were upstairs, so sound didn't roam very far within the house. So, Louis didn't panic too much when he accidentally slammed a pan and a pot together, though he did flinch at the sound.

Louis got to work on breakfast once he had set everything up, deciding on making scrambled eggs, French toast, and bacon. Usually, it was either pancakes or waffles, but Louis thought he'd try something different.

It wasn't long before the kitchen filled with the aromas of Louis' hard work, and he started to set up some plates and cutlery for Sam's parents, who, if they were still on the same schedule as they always were, would be coming downstairs any minute. Louis swiftly made two cups of coffee for them as well, and just as he placed them on the counter, Sam's mum and dad, Clarke, ambled into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Louis." Kate offered a warm smile, sitting down next to her husband at the kitchen counter, pulling the coffee Louis had made closer.

"Good morning!" Louis said happily, trying to make it seem as though he'd gotten at least some sleep during the night.

"I see you're still doing your routine," Clarke stated, nodding towards the almost completed breakfast.

"Yeah," Louis said sheepishly. "I always think it'd be nice to wake up to breakfast, so I like to make sure others do."

"You've never woken up to breakfast before?" Kate asked, getting up and moving over to look at what Louis was cooking.

"Not for a long time. Since my mum..." Louis cut himself off.

"I think it's done!" Kate said suddenly, hastily trying to move the subject along. "Let me dish it up, honey. Go and wake Sam and Sarah up."

"I doubt they'll be happy about that." Louis snickered, pushing his thoughts away from his mother, thankful that Kate had changed the subject.

"Just tell Sam there's food and it'll be fine." Clarke laughed, getting up to help his wife in the kitchen.

"You're not wrong," Louis murmured, as he walked out of the kitchen and began making his way back up the stairs.

As he reached the top, he was intercepted by Jay, before he could even turn towards Sam's bedroom.

"Hey, Lou!" He practically screamed.

"Hey, Jay-Jay." Louis smiled. "You may not want to yell; your sister's still asleep, and you know how she gets."

"Shshsh." Jay put his finger to his lips with too much pressure, squishing his nose a bit.

"That's right." Louis nodded, making his way around the toddler towards Sam's room.

Sam's sister was a bit older than Sam and was quite pretty if Louis said so himself. She spent most of her days sleeping, as she worked long night shifts at her job. Louis wasn't quite sure what she did, but Sam said it had something to do with a nightclub.

Louis reached the door to Sam's room and felt Jay at his side. When he tilted his head to look down at the small boy, he saw that Jay was already looking up at him.

"What's you doin'?" Jay questioned Louis.

"I need to wake your big brother up, along with my friend," Louis answered, opening the door lightly, and an evil grin spreading on his face. "Do you want to help?"

"Yeah!" Jay screamed.

Without any warning, he knocked the door open wide and rushed into the room, heading straight for Sam, who was still sound asleep on the floor. Jay jumped into the air and belly flopped onto his brother, causing them to groan loudly as Louis winced at the sound of the impact. Not being held back though by what Louis thought was a painful clash, Jay continued to harass his brother.

"Wake up, Sam! Wake up!" he screamed, and Louis used his foot to close the bedroom door, hoping Sam's sister didn't get woken up by the commotion.

"No..." Sam groaned, pushing his brother back.

Jay, however, kept running at him from different angles, continuously jumping on him. Louis looked over at Sam's bed, where he saw Sarah, now wide awake, sitting up and watching the commotion on the floor, laughing to herself. She looked up and saw Louis watching her. She gave a small wave and mouthed 'good morning'. Louis mimicked her before turning his attention back to the two brothers on the ground and moving towards them.

"Okay, okay." Louis grabbed Jay lightly and pulled him away from Sam. "I think it's my turn," Louis murmured down to the boy, before moving around him.

"Get 'im, Lou!" Jay cheered, before suddenly dashing out of the room for seemingly no reason.

Louis shook his head before looking back at Sam.

"Please, don't jump on me," Sam moaned, looking up at Louis.

"I wasn't going to." Louis smirked. "But now you've said it..."

"No!" Sam suddenly jumped up from the ground as Louis stood unmoving, looking at him.

"Well, that worked." Louis laughed. "I didn't even have to mention that there was food."

"There's food?" Sam perked up. "Why didn't you lead with that?!"

"I don't know... Jay wanted to have some fun." Louis chuckled.

"Ugh!" Sam hastily shot around Louis and out the door, no doubt running downstairs to get some food.


A/N: If my calculations are correct, we're about halfway through the book!

I hope you're enjoying the story so far! If you are... let me know :)

Starting the questions again:

Do you like Sam's little brother, Jay?

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