Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

"God, this is the weirdest date I've ever been on," Shawn suddenly said with a laugh, and Louis looked up at him.

"Do we really classify it as a date?" Louis asked with a chuckle. "Neither of us really wanted to come anyway."

"True." Shawn let out a laugh. "Damn sisters."

"Damn best friends." Louis joined in with the laughter.

"Well, I still think 'bro-mantic dinner' sounds like a good name for it."

"It sounds like something a straight guy would say if they were having dinner with a male friend." Louis let out another chuckle.

"Yeah, 'no homo' wouldn't be strong enough."

"Need some anti-gay spray. Keep the gay away."

"I always say, it's only gay if sex happens." Shawn laughed.

"Yeah, well, only if it's two men." Louis joined Shawn's laughter again.

"True, if there's a female involved, it's just—"

"Straight sex," Louis finished the sentence.

"Unless it's a devil's three-way," Shawn interjected.

"Good point." Louis laughed. "Then it's straight sex, with two guys covering up their gayness with a female involved."

"I wonder how that even comes about..." Shawn wondered aloud. "'Hey, man... I wanna have sex with you, but in a no homo way.'"

"I think it's more eloquently put than that. That's too gay for a straight man," Louis said through his laughter.

"Damn, you're right." Shawn grinned. "There's probably drugs involved."

"Or a very persuasive, closeted gay man."

The two boys laughed at their conversation before falling into a pleasant silence. While the night hadn't gone how Louis thought it was going to go, he was enjoying it far more than he would have any other way. Shawn seemed like a really great guy, and if it hadn't been for another certain someone, Louis could see himself spend more time with Shawn. Though Shawn did have his own problems to deal with. If things were different, this date might have gone somewhere else. But, at this point, it seemed it wasn't meant to be. But that wasn't going to stop the two boys from enjoying each other's company.

It wasn't long before their waiter came back, and the boys asked for their cheque. To Louis' surprise, it hadn't been that expensive, and the two decided to split the bill before making their way back to Shawn's car. It hadn't really dawned on Louis how long they had sat in the restaurant until they stepped outside, and the day had turned to an almost pitch-black night, filled with the noise of gentle rain. When they got into Shawn's car, Louis got his phone out and saw that it was almost eleven. Ignoring the flashing messaging on his screen, Louis stowed the phone back into his pocket.

"Well, that was fun," Shawn said after a moment of sitting in silence.

He hadn't yet started the car. Louis looked over at the driver's seat and saw Shawn already looking at him.

"Unexpectedly so." Louis nodded in agreement.

"I take it we're best friends now?" Shawn laughed, and Louis followed suit.

"Sure thing; I'll add you to my steadily growing list."

"Sounds like a great list. Is Isaac on it?" Shawn winked, and Louis could feel his face starting to burn up.

"Don't push it," Louis playfully warned.

"I still think you should take a chance," Shawn said, bringing his car to life and turning to face forward.

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