Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Louis soon set foot in the school's library. It wasn't anything spectacular, but Louis still found himself spending most of his free time at school there. As Louis had promised, he pulled out his phone and sent Sam a text, telling him that he had arrived 'safe and sound' at the library.

Smiling to himself, Louis entered the library, ignoring the librarian; he wasn't too fond of the man. He tried to act kind and caring to all the kids who walked in here, but he constantly complained about students to other students. Louis had overheard the librarian talking about him to some random student one day, saying that he spent "way too much time in the library" and "that's what happens when you have no friends". Of course, Louis ignored it. Unless he could see the fun in responding to them, Louis usually ignored the insults people threw at him. It had become water off a duck's back to him.

For the last twenty-five minutes of the school day, Louis searched the library for an interesting book he hadn't read yet. Finding a book that fit in that category was a challenge for Louis. That's not saying he didn't find many books interesting, just that he had read a lot of books. For him, they were an escape. It just so happened that he needed to escape a lot, to plunge himself into a different world made of words.

The truth was, most books did interest him. As Sam had so eloquently put it before, Louis was a bit of a nerd. He loved to gather new information and put it into practice. He was pretty sure he would love school for that reason if it weren't for the people and the teachers treating him like some form of garbage. He never understood why they did it, but he had accepted it and learnt to live with it.

So, Louis was often in his school's library, teaching himself most of the time. He rarely actually listened in his classes because, one, he already knew most of the stuff he was being taught, and, two, what the teachers said often went in one ear and out the other. He preferred self-teaching anyway, and that's what he did. If it wasn't in the school's library, it was at the one down the street from his apartment. Or at the bookstore a few blocks over.

Now, though, as Louis looked through the books before him, he already knew everything he would need to know in order to pass his final year at school with his usual straight-A's. An urge to study wasn't coming. He needed something for pleasure. The only problem was, the school's library sucked.

The bell signalling the end of school rippled through the halls and sneaked its way into the quiet library. Louis had given up on trying to find a book, already heading to the exit as the sound reached his ears. Unable to find a proper read, he had decided to try and get a head start on the rest of the students. But he had miscalculated.

"Have a good afternoon!" The librarian's voice came from behind Louis just as he opened the door. Once again, he chose to ignore him, not wanting to spare any time on that "man". But, then again, if Louis thought about it, he didn't really like sparing time on anyone. Louis didn't care about people or being social. It wasn't his thing. Most people weren't bothered by that though, mainly because they found good sport in bullying him. However, Louis didn't care what people thought about him. He enjoyed having, as Sam would say, verbal wars with people.

Speaking of Sam, he was one of the very few people Louis did enjoy spending time with. He was one of the only two people Louis enjoyed, and Kara was the other. She had been Louis' best friend since they were three, but she moved to the other side of the country with her family when she was eleven. They still talked as much as they could.

The reason he had let Sam and Kara in was that they showed they cared, and that was the thing; Louis wouldn't mind people so much if they gave a damn about each other. But to Louis, that didn't seem possible. Not at this school at least.

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