Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

"So, you're telling me that you've never seen him?" Kara's surprised voice followed Louis around the small café while he cleaned the empty tables.

He had been at work for four hours so far, and because Kara was with him, he had asked to clean for the day and also make sure the customers were happy. While Louis wasn't too much of a people person, Kara was, which made talking to the customers much easier, so Kara did most of the talking. She was always energetic and up for a conversation, even if it was with a stranger who probably would much rather she didn't speak to them at all.

Louis was cleaning a table in the far corner of the café where Kara sat. Louis looked at her when she asked the question and noticed her eyebrows were raised.

"No, I haven't seen him," Louis responded, continuing to wipe the table down.

It hadn't been until recently that Louis started to wonder what Isaac looked like. The other night, when he saw Shawn, he was adamant that he didn't want to know, but ever since Isaac said he came to the café Louis worked at, he couldn't help but wonder. Had they actually met before? Louis served so many people each day; even if they had met, he was sure he wouldn't remember. Isaac was also a common name. Louis must've served a ton of people named Isaac, so it wasn't like he'd be able to pick his neighbour from a crowd so easily.

"Well, that's not entirely a bad thing," Kara said thoughtfully, and Louis looked at her, tilting his head. "Well, if you think about it, you like this boy for no other reason than his personality. Maybe his voice too. It is kinda hot." Kara chuckled as Louis rolled his eyes and went back to cleaning. "But that's a good thing! It means it's not lust. You genuinely like this guy, and it's pretty Goddamn adorable."

Louis turned away from the table and began walking to the one next to it. Kara got up from her seat and slid into the new booth that Louis was now working on.

"Maybe so, but that doesn't mean those feelings will stay once I see him," Louis responded.

The truth was, he really didn't know what his 'type' was, because he'd never really focused on it before. He knew that he liked guys, but other than that, he hadn't actively sought after someone. He had always been more focused on studying, with a side of fitness. Of course, he had seen people and thought they were attractive or cute, but he never had the feeling he got when talking with Isaac. Shawn was a good example.

"Maybe you're more of a personality freak," Kara thought aloud, almost like she could hear what Louis was thinking. "I mean, I doubt the feelings you have will just disappear when you see him. I don't think you're that shallow, and, besides, if you really like someone, looks don't matter. You'll find them attractive no matter what." Kara smiled at Louis as he was cleaning, and he returned it.

"Maybe you're right, but I have to see him first." Louis sighed lightly, looking around the café.

He could be here right now. Louis highly doubted that, as the majority of the people currently seated in the café were older couples.

"Well, I've been looking at all the people coming into the café since it opened, and there have been some good candidates," Kara mentioned as she did another sweep of the café, taking in what Louis had just seen.

"Kara, we're not recruiting for the army."

"What about him?" Kara pointed across the café, ignoring Louis' statement. "Short blonde guy. He's kinda cute and looks like an Isaac."

"I don't know how someone can look like an Isaac," Louis said, following her finger and seeing the boy she was talking about. "He looks like he's fifteen, Kara."

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