Willas Tyrell x Queen!Baratheon!Reader - Lay it all on me.

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A/N- This imagine is based on the accoustic version of the song "Lay it all on me" by  Rudimental (Feat. Will Heard). This is just a little scene that I came up with earlier, but I am considering turning it into a longer series on here at some point, similar to some of my earlier posts in the first GoT's book. I hope you all enjoy it.

Your jaw was aching as you pressed the door to your chambers shut, turning and placing your back against it as you allowed your smile to fall from your lips for the first time in what seemed like hours. It was the worst thing about being a part of the royal family, having to hide your temper, or your fear, or your sadness. When your father had died you had kept your tears in check, keeping them in until you were in your chambers, where you would sob until you felt that you could no longer breathe. When Joffrey had died you had been less pressed, most of the emotions you had held for your eldest brother had been less than positive, and in that moment it was hardest to stop yourself from smiling. But when Tommen had killed himself it had broken your heart, and you were forced to hide your mourning from the people you would soon have to lead. And now, as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, you had to hide your fear for the enemies who were beginning to surround you. You wanted nothing more than to cave, to give the throne to the Targaryen girl without putting up a fight, but it was impossible for you to live with her as Queen, and so you were pretending to be strong with everything you had.

You released a deep sigh as you crossed the room, sitting at your desk and placing down the pile of letters you had been handed by one of your advisors in your attempt to escape another tedious meeting. You had never expected a letter from Daenerys Targaryen, especially not one requesting that you would meet with her and Jon Snow for discussions on the war you were engaged in. You ran your hand over the back of your neck as you read the words again and again, and then in a sudden burst of emotion you scrunched up the paper, throwing down onto your desk and watching it bounce across the surface, teetering awkwardly on the edge. 

A clatter in the small bathroom off of your chambers caused you to jump, and your eyes left the paper in an instant, landing on where your husband was standing, watching you with a small frown.

"I didn't know you were here," you told him softly, forcing your smile back onto your face, and watching as his frown only grew.

"There is no need to pretend here," he uttered, moving slowly towards you and running his hand over your shoulder lightly, "what was the letter about?" You allowed your smile to drop, glancing up at Willas for a moment before snatching the paper from the table and unwrapping it and holding it out to him. He was silent as he read, but as he placed the paper gently back to the table he released a deep breath. "What could they possibly aim to gain from coming here?"

You hummed slightly, "I think peace, as unlikely as it may sound," you paused for a moment, "or at least some sort of agreement to stop attempting to killing one another."

"We will speak to your uncle in the morning, he will understand all of the wat jargon better than we can hope to." Willas gave your shoulder a light squeeze, leaning down and pressing his lips to the side of your head.

You nodded, getting to your feet and moving closer to Willas. You had been lucky that when you had been told to take a husband you had already known who you would choose. No one had ever made you feel the way Willas had, and from the moment you had first met him you had known that you would become his wife. Of course, at that point you were just a young girl with no idea what her life would become, no idea that you would sit on the iron throne, no idea that you would lead an army. But there was still no one that you would have prefered at your side.

"My mother will not want peace," you told him, his arms coming to wrap around you and holding you tightly to his chest. 

He leant back, holding your chin gently and making you look him in the eyes. "Then it is a good thing that your mother is no longer Queen, isn't it?" 

Your lips twitched slightly, into something that resembled a real smile, and you held back a small chuckle. "I guess it is," you murmured softly, reaching up and kissing him firmly on the lips. 

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