Jon Snow X Wife!Reader - I Won't Give Up

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'I Won't Give Up' by Jason Mraz. In this, Jon never went to the wall, and instead married his childhood sweetheart. I hope you all enjoy it.

Sitting beside Jon, watching over his people, was something you had grown to quite enjoy. Seeing the way they hung on his every word, his inspiring messages being thread through the crowd, embedding itself into each of their minds. It truly was something to marvel at. He had never been so confident when you were young, such a timid, fragile boy, but that had all changed when he had been named King of the North.  

You were smiling as you watched on. Sure, he was speaking of wars to come, and the danger you would all face, but you couldn't help yourself. For now, you were safe, you were all safe, and you were so thankful for your lives that you couldn't quite bring yourself to be scared of the future.

Jon would glance over at you every few minutes. Checking on you. He was always doing that, making sure you were okay, even when he was caught up in his speech. Of course, you were always perfectly fine, content in watching him.

You had been so lucky. This was something you reminded yourself of each night before you went to bed. You had been able to marry the man you loved, had managed to build a life with him and remain happy for all of these years. 

*Time Skip*

The one place Jon could truly be himself was in your chambers. No one could see him here except you, and that freedom had begun to have a rather calming effect on him. 

You had seen him cry here, when he had heard of what the Bolton bastard had done to Sansa. Had seen him lose his temper more than once after having been questioned by less loyal followers. And not once had you seemed even remotely fazed by his outbursts. 

You would simply sit quietly until he had calmed, and then, when he was ready, you would smile and hold out your arms to him, waiting for him to come into your embrace. 

He had burst out in laughter when you had smiled at him like that the first time, had wiped at the tears in his eyes as he stared at you in confusion. "How are you doing it?" he had asked you, voice, thick from crying, catching in his throat slightly.

"Do what?" you had uttered softly, lowering your hands down into your lap and tilting your head to the side, staring at him as though he was the most beautiful creature in the world.

"How do you smile like that when it's all so shit?" 

You shrugged slightly. "One of us needs to be an optimist, or we'd never get anything done around here," you teased him, causing him to let out a light chuckle. "Besides, what good will crying do me? It won't change the past, or the future. It won't make things easier; it'll just make me sad." 

Jon continued looking at you for a moment, his frown turning into a hesitant smile. "You are so much stronger than anyone else I have ever met." 

"It's a gift not many possess," you laughed, shaking your head. "Now, are you going to let me hold you, or are you going to keep standing there like a lost child?" 

You watched with a happy heart as Jon smiled. An actual, proper smile, meant only for you. And then he padded towards you, allowing you to wrap your arms around him.  

In all honesty, there were moments when the doubt creeped in. Where you worried about the future and everything it would hold. But, knowing that Jon needed you, that you had no choice but to alleviate the suffering his mind endured, helped to calm you. Giving yourself that small job of taking away his pain, would in turn take yours with it. And you were more than happy to take on that role, with him clasped tightly in your hold.

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