3: Morning Sickness

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I woke up I'm Alfie's arms, to see Breaking bad Blasting on the TV. It was a perfect world, until I got a sharp sick pain to my stomach and I knew I was about to throw up.

I knew exactly why too, shame Alfie didn't. It was time to tell him though.

I pried myself out of Alfie's arms, (which rudely awoke him) and ran covering my mouth to the bathroom.

For the next fifteen minutes I was puking in the toilet and Alfie crouched down next to me and held my hair back.

He was an amazing boyfriend, I was scared this would ruin our relationship.

When I finally felt I would no longer be sick, Alfie supported me to the couch.

"I guess you might have eaten something your stomach didn't agree with last night." Alfie suggested.

"Actually Alfie, that's not why I've been sick recently." I told him.

He looked puzzled.

"Alfie... I'm pregnant." It felt so good to get off my chest.

"What?! Oh my gosh Zoe congratulations!" He was up and jumping, then spun me round in the air.

"I can't believe this!" He told me.

"Pretty big huh?" I asked him.

"This is amazing. Now I understand why we cant afford to move!" He was so excited.

He then suddenly realised something that turned his mood upside down.

"The viewers? When will we tell them? You'll grow eventually?" He said.

"I know... I think I'll hide the bump on camera until we find out what sex the baby's going to be and if it's healthy." I told him.

"Fair enough." He said. "How long have you known?" He asked me.

"1 or 2 weeks, I wanted to wait until the right time to tell you." I told him.

"I'm just so glad I know now! This is huge Zoe oh my god we are going to be parents!" He exclaimed.

"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow about it all." I said.

"I'm really looking forward to having a son or daughter... I just can't believe this."

I could see his eyes starting to tear up.

As the first tear rolled down his cheek I kissed him with more passion than ever before. We were going to be a family. I was lost for words.

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