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As we arrived back to the hotel, everything had stopped.

It was like this damn little baby was playing tricks with me. Then again, it did take forever for it to happen again after I got uncomfortable on the boat.

I didn't know what to expect. If the baby therefore did come in Greece, the insurance fees probably wouldn't cover it.

Alfie obviously knew something was wrong, but I wasn't ready to tell him until I definitely knew the baby was coming then and there.

I was still frustrated. This had ruined most of my day as I was eating on the stress.

We were going to go back to the hotel room, then go along the poolside to get some drinks and maybe play some cards with the other couples we had met while here.

I was extremely tired, and I knew I wouldn't last long down by the bar. Luckily, the buffet was open until late and they served tea's, coffee's and hot chocolate's.

"I'm ready now Alfalfa." I called to the other room.

"Coming little one." He replied.

I pulled out my phone, as I knew how long it took for Alfie to get ready and started to read through my tweets.

I felt bad that I couldn't have continued to make YouTube videos every Sunday like I used to, but it was too complicated now.

Alfie entered the room and we walked down to the bar area.

Our new friends, Lindsey and Andrew were sitting by themselves in the corner, so we decided to go and join them. There niece was actually a viewer, which was quite nice to know.

I got my coffee like I said, and Alfie had a pint of lagger.

The night was going fine until the pains returned but not just in my back my front now too. However I tried my hardest to keep my calm around Alfie and the others.

They returned about every hour throughout that night. They continuously went on even after we went back to the room I would be rudely awakened by them.

That next morning, I couldn't bring myself to tell Alfie. No matter how much I wanted to.

So my secret remained hidden until around lunch, when Alfie finally decided to take me to hospital. I wasn't going to stop him, it was extremely painful by now.

He asked reception to call a taxi to the nearest hospital.

Damn it was seriously crazy. Alfie was still worried but over the moon at the same time. I was excited about having our little boy here, but not excited about going through the pain for another couple hours.

It was a half an hour drive in the taxi to the hospital, and we were luckily seen straight away.

I decided to get an epidural before I was forced to sit tight.


"Welcome to the world Joseph Deyes." Alfie whispered to him, before kissing him on the forehead.

He felt so light in my arms throughout the screaming and wriggling.

"So no middle name?" I asked Alfie.

"I think Joseph Deyes has a nice ring to it."

I agreed. Joseph was the name we had both decided on after Joes funeral, it only seemed right.

I had only wished he would have been born at home, but oh well. He was here, and he was healthy.

He was born 3 weeks early. The nurses told me he was probably just tired of the environment he was in and was getting wrestless.

We obviously couldn't stay in Zakynthos, which was ashame. It was an amazing place, where our amazing little boy was born.

The nurse then walked in and explained he'd need to stay for another five days as he was born prematurely. Then we would use our insurance to get an earlier flight back to London, back to our apartment.

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