14: Life Support

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Joe's Pov:

I got weaker everyday, my soul was struggling to breathe, things got worse everyday instead of better.

That's when I knew, I wasn't going to make it.

I was never going to. I knew how much this would affect Zoe, Caspar, my parents and all my other friends.

It got too overwhelming.

The doctors also knew I wasn't recovering, I was getting worse but they refused to tell Zoe.

It made me so mad to know they refuse to tell my sister the truth about me.

She'd also made a post onto my channel to announce to my subscribers what was happening, which meant after I die, she'd need to do the same.

But announce to my subscribers I was dead.

It was horrible to know I could never speak to Zoe again, or anyone else for that matter.

I had overheard the doctors and nurses saying that they were going to turn off my life support tomorrow.

I knew that Zoe didn't know about this, but I couldn't fight for her rights because my body was temporally frozen.

It wasn't fair.


*The Next Day*

Zoe's Pov:

I was driving to the hospital to visit Joe, I brought him his first teddy that me and my dad had found the night before while cleaning out the attic.

When i arrived at the hospital, Caspar was outside Joes hospital room bawling.

I ran up to him.

"Caspar what's wrong?" I asked him.

He couldn't answer, he was hyperventilating and crying.

So I walked into the room Joe was in, but it was empty.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Joe was dead, they hospital didn't bother to call me.

I fell to the ground with my head in my hands crying.

My breathing was becoming uneven and I was having a panic attack.

A nurse ran in to see me in this state, he lifted me onto the bed Joe once slept in and ran to get me a glass of water.

Still crying I managed to calm myself.

I was completely and utterly heartbroken.

The male nurse was still comforting me when I asked, "my brother Joe, is he dead?"

He nodded his head slightly, "we turned off his life support this morning. He was becoming to weak to survive and we couldn't leave him to suffer."

As much as I understood, I was filled with rage.

They didn't bother to call me, or wait until I was there.

Such an inconsiderate hospital.

"Okay, thank you."

And once he left I cried, and cried, and cried until there was no more tears left in me.

Caspar came through to Joes room where I was still on the bed, he had managed to stop crying.

"Are you okay Zo?" He asked me.

I just managed to shake my head from side to side.

My head buried in a tissue, I was still bawling.

I had to go home. I had to confront Alfie. And we had to start planning this funeral, it had to be... Perfect.

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