7: Breaking the News

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Me and Alfie finished our pasta, and got into the car and headed to my parents' house first.

Joe and Caspar where unexpectedly visiting my mum and dad, so I guess they'd know as well.

We knocked at the backdoor and it was Joe that answered.

Luckily I remembered to wear my jumper otherwise Joe would have known the second he opened that door.

I walked through the kitchen, through the dining room and into the living room.

My mum and dad where sitting eating a Chinese takeaway watching the One Show.

I started to get really panicky, which I think Alfie sensed as he squeezed me tightly to the side of him.

"Hello darling," my mum said which a mouthful of gram crackers.

"Hi guys." I said, looking at Alfie nervously.

"So Zoe, what brought you here?" My dad asked us.

"We've got some news for you guys. Where's Joe and Caspar?" I asked.

"We're here!" Joe said as they both walked through the dining room doors.

"Okay umm... Well I'll come right out and say it." I took a deep breath and then continued, "I'm pregnant.'

My dad shot right up out of seat.

At first I thought he was mad, but then I realised he was coming towards me and asking for a hug.

He then turned to Alfie.

He did that strange thing boys do. A handshake and then pat on the back.

"Are you sure?" My mother asked.

And so I lifted up my jumper, so they could see my belly under my tanktop.

My mother started shedding tears of joy, and ran up to me and gave a tight hug. Not too tight, so she wouldn't hurt the baby.

Joe then stood up.

"Congrats Zo!" He said and kissed my forehead the way siblings do, before giving me a hug.

"Congratulations Zoe and Alfie!" Caspar said before putting his arms around us both.

It went well, and I was happy. My family was going to be supportive.

"Remember not to tell anyone else about this, we are telling the others tomorrow." I told Caspar and Joe, and they agreed.

We said our goodbyes, and got into the car and headed for Alfie's parents' house.

We arrived at the front door of Alfie's parent's house.

We agreed since I told my parents, Alfie would tell his.

Alfie's mother answered the door.

"Hello you two, what have you came for?" She asked us.

Alfie replied, "we have something to tell you."

"Of course, come in."

Me and Alfie walked through the front door holding hands and smiling at each other.

Hopefully his parents would be as supportive as mine.

"What was it you had to tell us?" Alfie's mum asked us.

"Zoe's Pregnant." Alfie told them.

Alfie's dad said, "that's brilliant! Congratulations you two."

"How fabulous! How far along are you zoe dear?" His mum asked me.

"That would be 12 weeks." I told her.

"Congratulations you two. How great!" Alfie's mum said.

We were both on cloud nine with our parent's reaction, both our family's were supportive and happy and that was great.

We drove back to the apartment and that's when I told Alfie.

"Alfie I think you where right." I told him.

"Right about what?" He asked.

I replied, "We need a bigger house. We have no baby space and I know you have always wanted a pug."

"Yes but we can't afford it." Alfie reminded me.

"Weeshed Alfie. Close your eyes."

And so he closed his eyes and I led him into the apartment.

In the corner next to Pippin and Percy's cage was a small metal cage. And inside was an 8 week old, female, pug.

I was so happy to see Alfie's face.

I had put a blanket over the cage.

A- to keep the puppy warm

B- to make sure I surprised Alfie even more.

I led him in front of the cage.

And then shouted "surprise!"

Alfie had a huge grin on his face so I knew he was debating what I had for him.

He then grabbed a corner of the blanket and swiped it off.

His reaction was priceless.

He opened the cage door and crouched down so the puppy could lick his face.

"Elsie." He said. "She will be Elsie."

The Story of ZalfieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora