11: 20 weeks

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It had been 10 weeks since Alf and I both knew I was pregnant, but not everything was happy anymore.

It had also been 10 weeks since Joe went into a coma after a car crash. All my spare time was spent at the hospital, nothing else mattered anymore.

If it was possible Joe was going to killed out of my life then all of his time left would be dedicated to him.

What made it worse was I couldn't even talk to him, or Atleast, he couldn't reply.

I knew that he could hear me but he couldn't talk back. That's what I figured.

But anyway, today we were going to the hospital and not to see Joe. It was to go for my 20 week pregnancy check up.

Half way there, it was exciting.

Alfie was all set to go and we had already decided we wanted to know what sex the baby was going to be, so we were prepared.

It was a 15 minute car ride to the hospital.

I looked like I was 7-8 months pregnant, as I am so petite.

We took the lift to the maternity ward where we sat in a waiting room for the next 20 minutes.

"Zoe Sugg." our midwife called.

Me and Alfie stood up and we were ushered to a room where I lay on a leather chair in the middle of the room, next to a silver cart with complicated tools and a computer screen.

I was asked simple questions due to my pregnancy before I got my 20 week ultrasound.

Cold gel was rubbed onto my belly before they got a strange tool and rubbed it from side to side over my lower abdemin.

"Now if you look on this screen, you will see..." She paused subtlely, "your baby."

There it was. A living creature inside me.

It was a very emotional time for us both.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" We were asked.

Me and Alfie both looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

It was a privilege to know what we were having.

We were given 2 copies of the ultrasound and we went home.

We were both so happy, as we both knew deep inside this is the baby we wanted.

We both wanted a bouncing baby boy.

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