5: Morning Little Ones

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"Morning little ones" Alfie said from the bottom of the bed.

"Little ones?" I replied, puzzled.

"You and the baby." He told me. "Duh!"

I found this quite amusing but romantic at the same time. He brought me a bowl of Greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast.

"Thank you Alfred Deyes." I said half asleep, than gave him a peck on the lips before taking the bowl out his hands.

Once I finished my breakfast, I hobbled out my bed and looked in our long wooden mirror on the wall. My bump was showing out of my tank top.

I had never felt so privileged to be a human being ever before. It was so exciting. I couldn't wait to see Alfie's reaction when he realised I had popped.

I hobbled for the first time through to the living room and splatted onto the couch into a starfish shape.

Alfie walked between the couches and suddenly freezed, yes. He'd noticed the bump.

He snapped into a bolt/run and slammed into the seat next to me and began to feel belly.

He was breathless.

"Oh my god. This is amazing Zoe. The bump as grown!" Alfie squealed.

"I feel huge already, I'm not looking forward to the stage where I'm on the verge of labour." I replied.

"Just remember I'll be here to support you through everything." Alfie told me.

I just smiled, and then he delicately placed his lips on mine.

I was so happy about starting a family with Alfie. I just hope after the baby is born me and Alfie are married soon after.

I want this baby to have a loving and happy family.

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