Chapter Twenty-One

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"So, what are you gonna name him?" Bulma asked me three months later. We were painting the baby's room. I was at the seven month mark.

I paused. The lion that I was painting was about half way done. We had painted the room Forest Green, and now we were filling the walls with animals, the same way Chi-Chi, Goku, and Gohan had painted my room when I was a baby.

"Well, I was thinking Vegeta Kakarrot Briefs." I said, going back to painting, listening for Bulma's response.

Silence was my answer. I turned around, placing the brush onto the lid of the paint can. Walking up to Bulma, I placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked over her shoulder at me. Tears were running down her face.

Turning her around to face me, I pulled her into a hug. 

"I'm sorry." I told her. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Bulma nodded. "It's not your fault. You just caught me off guard." She sniffled and pulled away. "It's a wonderful name. Really. I think Vegeta and Goku would be honored."

I chuckle. "I hope so, cause I like it." 

Bulma laughs as well and hugs me again. Then she pulls away again and wipes her tears. I glance at my watch.

"Come on. Let's go get some lunch." I say. She nods, placing her brush down and following me out of the room.

As we walk into the kitchen, I can hear the news on in the living room. When I walk in, Chi-Chi fumbles for the remote. I get to it before she does. Snatching it up, I turn up the volume.

"... Spotted over Nikki Town. I repeat, one of the Androids has just been spotted over Nikki town. As of this moment, citizens are being evacuated. No attacks have been reported yet, but we'll keep you updated for that could change any moment."

The camera turned up and zoomed in showing the Android. 18. I smirked. 17 must have been injured more then her. Or, better yet, I managed to kill him.

Suddenly, the screen went black. I looked over at Bulma, who had a spare remote in her hand. She gave me a look and said, 'Now don't you even think about it, Rosamoona. You're not going anywhere.'

"Look, we're not discussing this-" I started, hoping to avoid any arguments.

"Yes, you're right. We're not discussing this," Chi-Chi says, standing up and placing her hands on her hips. 

"Chi-Chi, I have to go!" I say, starting for the door.

"No! I'm putting my foot down! You're not going to throw your life and your baby's life away on the Androids!" She yelled, storming over and grabbing my arm.

"Chi-Chi..." I begged, knowing she won. She was right though. I wasn't going to get Vegeta killed when he wouldn't even had had a chance at life.

As if in response, I felt him kick. Sighing, I lower myself onto the couch and lean back, closing my eyes. God damned Androids. Why the hell did they have to strike now?

As the rest of the day passes, we all sit in the living room, watching the news coverage live from Nikki Town. Well, as much as the camera is able to get footage of before it was destroyed. The T.V. station rushed to get more reporters out, and, by the time they did, 18 was gone and Nikki Town lay in ruins of her former glory. 

My blood boiled and I stood up, pacing. My hands were tightly clenched into fists, and I saw red. Every single word that left my mouth was directed towards 18. None of it was nice.

Finally, Chi-Chi and Bulma got me calmed down, though I continued to pace. After a few more minutes, I sighed, frustrated. Sitting down at the kitchen table, I placed my head in my hands.

"I hate just sitting here," I mumble. Feeling hands on my shoulders, I turn around. Chi-Chi and Bulma stand in front of me, a sympathetic look on their faces.

"I know honey," Chi-Chi says gently.

"But it's for the best," Bulma finishes.

"I know," I reply, my voice nothing more then a whisper. They both smile softly and hug me. I wrap my arms around their necks, hugging them back.

After a few minutes, we break apart. Chi-Chi places a hand on my cheek. 

"Go get some sleep, Moona. I'll see you in the morning."

I nod, standing up. Placing a hand on my swollen belly, I head upstairs. Pausing at Trunks' room, I sigh and keep walking.

Where are you, Monkey Boy? I call out with my thoughts. And why haven't you returned to me yet?


Sorry for the long wait..... I've been busy lately, but I hope to be able to update often, even with school starting soon. Also, sorry this is more of a filler then an actual chapter, but, I'm hoping next chapter Vegeta Kakarrot Briefs will be born!!!!!!

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