Chapter 33

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Kang Ryu:

Without thinking, I am now inside the colossuem finding Seok Jin even though it is hard when I am in this location but it didn't bother me because I don't have the time to do so.  I look at the audience carefully and spot a handsome man who dresses differently than the others. I can see that his eyes are filled with vampire's blood.

I look around to find a stairway that will lead me to him. As I did that, I call the Cheif. It takes three rings for him to answer. When I look at him, he looks like he is having a hard time catching up the newly environment in there.

"Cheif, do you know a way to kill Seok Jin? I can't use the Death spell because he made it." I finally find the stairs and take some big steps to save time.

"I knew you would ask me about that. I know a spell Ryu and I'm afraid it will shorten your life span. I don't recommend you doing this Ryu especially your reason is to save that vampire. Am I right?" He glares and I gulp.

"How did you know?" I said and pants recklessly as I arrive to the floor where Seok Jin is seated. Although, it is still far away. I walk towards him still invicible and muted.

"Look, we already know especially you are easy to read but look, that is not important right now. My turn to question. I
Are you willing to give up half of your life span because of this?" Chief Min Yoongi look at me seriously and I give him a nod signaling yes.

"Okay then. There is spell called Homicide. This is also one of the black magics and forbidden spell. This is more serious than your Death spell. This spell is like murdering someone with a plan. Death spell is by the heart and Homicide is by all the internal organs." He shut his eyes like he is imagining it.

Whenever a specific magic, spell or power are forbidden, they are directly known as black magics.

"His body parts will be cut randomly because his blood will reject his body and unknownly became sharp that cause him to be split into pieces. This is a hard one Ryu. If you fail, you will die instantly since the founder of this spell added something in exchange when you fail. The founder decided to add some spell because he is afraid we will use this in bad purposes. That spell is called Karmatic Death spell." He continues.

"I don't really care but what I am worried about is that Seok Jin might be the founder and I can't kill him with this!" I hiss remembering how the Death spell went. Surprisingly, Cheif Min Yoongi laughs so hard that he might fall off in his chair. I look at him in confusion.

"Ryu, he is not the founder of this spell. Infact this is a new one." He grins like a chesire cat in the movie called Alice In The Wonderland.

"What are saying?" I asked thinking he has gone mad that cause his smart brain to become dull.

"What I am implying to is, I am the owner and the founder of that spell." He winks and ends the call. I was left speechless. I know that all Cheifs in the lab are allowed to invent some magic, spell, and power but I never expect Cheif to invent one.

Wait, how could I be so dumb? The reason why he always sleep is because he is out of energy. Making one uses physical strength and endurance that can sip your energy easily. I am quite shock that he can still walk towards the sofa or bed. Others will faint if they will make one.

Then, a hard pang was heard in my brain. I realize that I don't know the spell and if I don't, how can I kill him. This is getting frustrating. B011 vibrates twice signaling there is a message. I look at it and it is the intructions and the chant when doing the Homicide spell. I heave out a sigh of relief because if Cheif didn't send me this, I might curse at him everyday making him shiver from the cold.

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