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Jin finished preparing breakfast. It was just crab stew with some lettuce and rice. It tasted delicious and Jin took great pride in it.

Jimin dished out Taehyung's food on a tray while Jin set the table for the others. Jimin carried the food to their room and froze in front of the door when he saw Taehyung on the floor grunting as he tried to get up. He hurriedly placed the tray on top of the dresser and knelt beside the younger.

"Are you okay?" he muttered.

Taehyung looked at him, his face turning red instantly. He pouted and Jimin couldn't help but notice he looked adorable.

"I was trying to use the bathroom but then I fell and now I can't get up"

Jimin immediately wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Lean on me. Let me help you"

Taehyung smiled as he placed one arm over Jimin's neck. Taehyung was bigger than him so it was quite an effort to raise him to his feet but he finally did and the other stood upright, his body bent towards Jimin.

Taehyung suddenly grinned. "It seems you'll have to walk me to the bathroom. I'll still need some assistance"

Jimin groaned and they started to walk together but he missed a footing, nearly falling to the ground causing him to swerve to the wall instead. Taehyung stood right in front of him so close, their chests pressed together. For a moment there, neither of them breathed. Jimin's heart was pounding so fast he was sure Taehyung heard it but then a small wry smile crept up the latter's face.

"This might be the fourth time"

A deep red blush stained Jimin's cheeks.

" What?"

"We kiss"

Jimin pushed him away forgetting he couldn't walk. Taehyung stumbled backward but Jimin grabbed him by his waist and he smirked.

Jimin shook his head "You're just a pervert"

Taehyung sighed. "I thought we made some progress last night. You know, after the kiss"

Jimin tried hard to conceal his emotions as he led Taehyung to the bath.

"Just take your bath and after you're done, eat some breakfast"

He turned to leave but noticed that Taehyung was just quietly staring at him. He turned back to him.

"What?" he said.

Taehyung flashed him his boxy smile. "I can't undress"

He pointed to the bandage wrapped around his chest and Jimin groaned inwardly. Taehyung was really making it difficult for him to maintain a cool head.

He sighed heavily and cautiously approached him. Taehyung raised his arm and Jimin began to unroll the bandage from his chest. He did it until he finally unveiled his smooth but well-defined biceps and baby abs. The bullet wound was only seen at the back and it seemed to be healing gradually. At that moment was the sexiest thing Jimin had ever seen and he didn't know when he started wetting his lips looking straight at his body, admiring all the angles.

Taehyung's scoff brought him back to reality. "You seem to like what you see"

Jimin shook his head looking embarrassed as he stood up to go but Taehyung grabbed his hand forcefully and Jimin stared anxiously. He grinned again and pointed to his torso.

"The pants" He simply muttered.

Jimin gulped. The sight of Taehyung looking so beautiful, wet, and naked was a huge turn-on. It was taking all of his will not to pounce on him right there and then.

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