Forty eight

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Jimin took a heavy breath as he slumped on the couch. The woman standing in front of him had her hands on her waist staring at him in curiousity.

"Wasn't that Taehyung I saw just now? The Kim Taehyung?"

Jimin couldn't respond. He sat there looking dejected.

"That was the woman he's going to marry right?"

Jimin nodded. "That's right"

Hyuna took a deep breath sitting on the bed beside Jimin's couch.

"I'm really sorry. It must have hurt to see them" she said in a calm voice.

Jimin stood up straight and started pacing "I just don't want to talk about it Hyuna"

She nodded. "I see... "

There was silence in the room as Jimin went to wash his face in the bathroom. When he came out, he was drying his face with a towel.

" he's getting married in three days Jimin. What are you going to do about it?"

Jimin ran his hands roughly over his head biting his lips nervously.

"I have no idea. When I saw him..."

He paused trying to hold back the tears.  "The only thing I wanted to do was to go to him. It felt like nothing happened. That we didn't get divorced...that we didn't break up. It was as if he had been waiting for me but then I saw her and the realization hit me. It was just so painful"

Hyuna just stared at him contemplating until a knock sounded on the door interrupting her thoughts. Jimin froze.

"Who could it be?" he whispered then went to the door and opened it. His friends bundled inside hurriedly including Jin and Hoseok and he looked at Hyuna wearing a look of betrayal on his face. She smiled innocently.

"I'm sorry Jimin but you need all the help you can get" she said. The boys mumbled small greetings to Hyuna, already looking tired and fed up but relieved to see Jimin again before they decided to interrogate him.

"What happened?" Namjoon yelled loudly and everyone stared at Jimin who was short of words.

"Two days after we arrived at Daegu, we heard the news about Taehyung getting married to Jisoo. We've been trying to reach you since then but you've been unavailable" Yoongi said frowning.

"I needed time alone!" Jimin answered.

Namjoon groaned "Bullshit! You're going to tell us what's going on between the two of you because getting in touch with Taehyung is harder than getting into the blue house!"

"What happened? You both where ready to start over again, run away what happened?" Jin asked looking worried.

Jimin chewed his bottom lip, unsure about how to begin. Even the memory of it made him dizzy. It had come as a shock and reliving the awful moment was too painful to bear but his friends where anxious to know what happened and he was going to have to tell them.

"So what happened was that we were ready to leave. I had gone to  Hyuna's place to get some things from Hani but when I came back, Taehyung was different. He was with the divorce paper. The next thing I knew, he was asking me to sign the paper, telling me he doesn't love me"

They all looked at each other in confusion.

"Just like that?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin nodded tiredly and continued. "I was confused, speechless. One moment, things had been great. I had gotten my Taehyung back only to loose him just as quick"

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