Fifty seven

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Hye sun marched directly to his father's office, his heart beating faster than normal but he knew he couldn't relent from what he was about to do so he ignored his father's secretary who was silently pleading that he didn't have an appointment, that his father was very busy and just barged into the office.

Mr Park looked up at him through his reading glasses, anger visible in his eyes.

"What's the meaning of this? Have you gone crazy? How dare you barge into my office...."

But Hye sun cut his off.

"Take it back!" he blurted out.

His father looked at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Take what back?"

"The contract for the land. Give it back to Taejun and his mother"

Immediately those words left his mouth, his father broke into laughter, loud and heavy laughter that resounded all over the room. He stopped and snickered.

"Are you crazy? Who do you think you are to stand there and demand anything from me?"

Hye sun nodded his head. "I know I'm nothing to you father. I know you only took me in because of the love you had for my mother but I have never asked anything from you, not a single thing. I have always been content with whatever you gave me but this time, I am begging you, please give back the land to Taejun"

His father got up from his seat and slowly walked purposely to him taking his time as he scrutinized him.

"So you fell for him didn't you?"

Hye sun remained silent and his father scoffed.

"Didn't I tell you to curb that demonic side of you?" he spat ferociously.

"You're a disgrace! I picked you up from nothing. Made you into something. Set you up with one of the most eligible spinsters from an illustrious family only for you to decide to throw it away because you fell for a good for nothing thug"

"Enough father!" Hye sun yelled shocking both himself and the man but he had had enough of him.

"Taejun isn't good for nothing. He has potential but rich greedy men like you only want to feed off from average individuals like him from the North side to fuel your ambitions. Have you ever tried stepping out of your comfort zone to see the way people live outside here? To see the way they struggle"

He shook his head. "How dare you! What gave you the guts to think you can talk to me like this"

Hye sun shook his head. "I'm tired. I'm tired of you and I'm tired of everything that concerns you. The contract still has some weeks before it becomes valid. If you don't want to give Taejun back the land, then I'll have no choice but to take you to court"

Mr Park's eyes widened with shock and disbelief.

"What? You're suing me!"

Hye sun smirked. "What does it look like?"

Mr Park began to stutter. "I raised you....i gave you a roof over your head. I sent you to one of the best schools in the world...and this is how you repay me?"

Hye sun felt so confident seeing the look on his father's face.

"You didn't do shit for me! I worked hard to earn everything you gave me so don't act like you took care of me from the willingness of your own heart. I needed a parent's love but you never gave me that. Instead, you made my life miserable. Forced me to become something I'm not only for your selfish gain... "

Mr Park scoffed. "So what? You think you can go against me? You really think you can go against your own father?"

Hye sun scoffed. "Father? you're no longer my father. I have disowned you from now on!"

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