Forty six

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Jimin went back home with a sullen expression on his face. He rang the mansion bell and immediately, the gate opened, showing the haggard face of his Butler.

"Young master!" The old man cried but Jimin didn't say a word, he just walked past him making him worried. The Butler silently walked behind him.

"Young master Jimin, where have you been? You really shouldn't be here! There is a war going on and your parents...."

Jimin stopped and looked at him. The man looked deeply at him and stopped talking when he saw that look in his eyes. He understood that Jimin didn't want any company so he bowed his head.

"I understand young master"

Jimin turned back and silently entered the house ignoring the rubble and disaster, the bullet holes on the walls, the shattered glass windows, ruined art pieces and vases, he even ignored the workers trying to put the house back in other. They all wordlessly looked at him as he started to walk up the stairs when he froze on seeing his parents frames at the top.

"Park Jimin, what are you doing here?" his mother screeched running down the stairs to meet him. Her face was red with anger, his father slowly walking behind her. When she reached him, again she slapped him hard on the cheek just like she did the day she found out about his relationship with Taehyung but Jimin didn't react. He just looked back at her soullessly watching her breathe heavily.

"Look around you, have you seen what you caused? Because of your relationship with that Kim Taehyung boy, you have put all our lives in danger" She yelled glaring at him.

"From day one, we have been trying to defend this family from that sick psycho Kim Taejun but you had to make it worse by even marrying his son! Aren't you ashamed? Aren't you remorseful for what you've done?"

Again, Jimin said nothing and just started walking past them. Park hye sun growled.

"How dare you walk out on us? Can't you see your mother is still talking? You can't even apologize when all of this is your fault!"

All of this is your fault!

Those words kept ringing over and over in Jimin's brain making it pang harder, hitting the back of his skull. He exploded right there and sharply turned to his parents who flinched at his cold stare

"My fault? My fault? You both are to blame! You and Kim Taejun! Not me, not Taehyung!"

He scoffed running his hands over his hair tiredly as he continued.

"Jimin, How are you doing? Did you eat? Did you have a good rest? That's what normal parents who love their children say to them but you have never for once said these words to me. All you ever did was work me to the bones and control my entire existence but I'm sick and tired of it! I'm sick and tired of the both of you!"

The tears he had been trying to hold from the moment Taehyung left him till now rolled down his eyes and his parents watched him unable to say a word. His mother's resolve seemed weaker but his father remained stoic.

"Yes! I fell in love with Taehyung, the son of your worst enemy, yes we got married without telling you and yes I kidnapped him because I'd rather face hell with him than be in this fake paradise with you!"

They both gasped staring in disbelief at him.

"I've always tried my best to be a good son, to make you both proud. I have always done everything you asked me to but now I'm so done trying to please you. I'm done with everything because at the end, you've destroyed me, you've destroyed us with this senseless feud, this senseless fighting between yourselves!"

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