Forty three

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The group of friends stayed in the room with the ruined door. Taehyung was lying on the bed covered up with a blanket while Jimin laid beside him. He was holding his hand stroking it gently and Taehyung didn't seem to mind. He just accepted the touch. He had to. Jimin had looked so worried. Anyway, it was still amusing to see the look on their friends faces when they found out the truth about Jungkook and how he came to affect their relationship.

Jungkook was sitting on a chair in front of the bed as the four men stood in front of him with questioning curious glances. He told them everything they needed to know.

"So you caused all these?" Namjoon said.

The angel nodded "Yep"

Yoongi groaned. "This is ridiculous. Angels do not exist"

Jungkook smiled wryly. "I see, you doubt a lot but then you should know that you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for me"

Yoongi gaped at him as he continued. "I was the one who healed you when you where bitten by a snake"

Yoongi gulped as Hoseok smiled brightly. "You did?"

The sunshine looked completely enamored by the Angel as he pushed himself further to him. Yoongi placed a hand firmly on his shoulder and pulled him back so he was resting on his chest

"In my defense, you where the reason why we ended up in the island and I got bit by a snake"

Jungkook smiled. "In my defense, I brought you all together and now you guys experienced first hand what it means to fall in love"

A gentle serenity settled over everyone as they looked at each other finding the eyes of the one they had fallen in love with.

Taehyung locked eyes with Jimin and he could see it again there. That longing and love and his heart just clenched. It was pounding heavily so he looked at Jungkook to distract himself.

"But not everything turned out well. Look at me and Jimin. Everything is all messed up because of that love cupid"

Jungkook hung his head low. "Actually, it's not the love cupid. It's me. My naivety and carelessness has caused so much trouble to you all and now, I don't know what to do about it"

They where all confused now. Something was definitely bothering Jungkook. They could see the troubled look in his eyes.

"Jungkookah, are you okay?" Jimin whispered.

Jungkook looked up, his eyes red, tears brimming in them. It made them startle at first. So angels do cry they all thought.

"I'm not okay guys. I need to go!" he said and vanished immediately from their sight.

"Wow!" Hoseok gasped in awe.

"He really is an angel. A real angel" Jin muttered in a dazed state. Namjoon turned to the two on the bed.

"Now we understand everything." He whispered.

There was a look of pity in his eyes as he stared at them.

"It must have hurt a lot when he stopped loving you" Hoseok whispered and it affected Jimin so he looked down trying to hide the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Taehyung felt uncomfortable as everyone peered at them and he felt guilty for being the cause of Jimin's pain.

"Now I understand how you must have felt Taehyung. You must have been so confused" Jin added looking weary.

Hoseok showed his full teeth "But we are rooting for you guys. Jimin, don't worry about your parents. We are all solidly behind you. We know you can do this"

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