Chapter 19 - Paintball

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"Hey, how's Steven?" I ask Jacob the next day at school.

"He's alright now," he says giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I resist the urge to rub my cheek and just smile at him instead.

"So what are you doing today after school?"

"Nothing much, a couple of guys and I were just gonna hang out," okay well that totally ruined my plan.

"Cancel it, we're going to play Paintball with the others," I tell him leaning against his locker. Maybe I could shoot his manhood while we were at it.

"Paintball? Sounds cool, I'm in," he says just before the bell rings.

"I'll see you after class," I say walking to my next class.

"Woah, where are you going? I'm in that class too," he says catching up to me.


"Paintball huh?" Hunter says just as we pull up to the field. We had driven a long way just to get here and I was so pumped. There were about ten of us including Hunter, Ali, Alex, Jacob, Regina, Josh, three other people and I.

The rules of paintball were simple. You were either put in teams or played individually and you just had to shoot people. Once you got shot, you were out. The most basic game to play was 'Capture The Flag'. All you had to do was capture the opponent's flag and return it to your team's home base whilst defending your team flag. It also hurt like a bitch if someone shot a paintball at you while they were 20ft or closer. That's why we wore these masks things and had these really weird outfits.

We signed up and payed for the equipment and then were quickly divided up into two teams, five in each. I was with Ali, Hunter and this guy named West and a girl named Willow. To be honest, I'm pretty sure we stand no chance.

"May the best team win," Jacob says to me before joining his team.

"Okay guys, I'm just gonna say what we're all thinking, we're not gonna win," Ali says to the team.

"Ali! Don't say that, we do stand a chance," I might've lied a little considering the fact I also said we were gonna lose.

"Yeah, we stand a chance of 0.01%, round that off to one decimal place and it's 0!"

Huffing, I get on with team tactics. "They have more guys than us so all we need to do is take down the guys first. Do not, I repeat, do not, run for the flag, until there is at least one more person on their team left. Should we all tag someone?"

"I'm taking Jacob! I really wanna shoot him," Ali looks to me to see if that's okay and I nod.

"Willow can you take Regina?" She nods.

We then decide that Hunter will take Alex, West will take Josh and that I'll be taking a girl named Tabitha.

"Guys, don't hesitate to shoot an open target," I shout before running onto the field. There were stuff every, like tires and huge blocks to hide yourself behind.

Looking over at my team's flag, I realise somebody has to guard it.

"Shit!" Looking over at West, I beckon him to follow me. The game hasn't started yet but I can see a huge countdown thing happening on this huge board and it was currently at fifteen seconds.

"We have to guard the flag, screw everything else, take one side, I'll take the other," he nods and gets into position.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" A huge horn goes off and I see paint going everywhere.

I see somebody running straight for our flag but can't make out who it is and start shooting them. Okay, so maybe my aim was kinda shit and the paintballs were going no where near them but I continued to shoot them anyways.

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