chapter twenty- six

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After her conversation with President Wallace, Anastasia had lost her appetite

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After her conversation with President Wallace, Anastasia had lost her appetite. She skipped the community dinner, knowing she would be the only one and that she could find some peace. Anastasia just needed to get away from everyone, and sitting her way through a dinner surrounded by everyone seemed to much to do. When they left for the dinner, Anastasia luged behind, drifting off not long after, exploring the places she could in Mount Weather.

She found a slightly cracked down, no scanner, or any presence of a lock. Which hopefully meant that it was one of the few rooms not under protection from the majority of the community. Anastasia pushed the rest of the door open, leading to a room stacked with books to the ceiling, wall to wall. Lighten up by a few dusty lamps littered around the room sported onto of tables laid around the corners.

She was taken back by the sight of so many books in print, she was even shocked by the amount of paper present in this one room. Her time of the Ark was spent reading many books, especially in her earth literature class, but none of them were paper. Anastasia stepped into the rooming gliding her fingers over the bounded books in the bookcases, squeezed together in a straight line. Her eyes gazed over the titles, all the classics, Alice in Wonderland, The Great Gatsby, and Of Mice and Men, were some of the titles that graced the walls.

All the books seem worn and colorful with, she picked up To Kill A Mockingbird, flipping through the pages, each showing a sense of degrade. Anastasia took the book carefully knowing the browning of the pages, getting to the end closing the book placing it back on the bookcase with caution, recreating the perfect scene.

Anastasia took a seat, pulling out a wooden chair with a wool pad, sitting down taking a deep breath, finally feeling at peace. Something about this place brought her comfort she had been seeking. She finally found a place that brought her the same feeling she felt from Bellamy's touch. Anastasia choked up at the thought of Bellamy, her minding flashing back to the sight of her hands gripping the bag that held the ripped part of Bellamy's jacket. She still didn't want to admit that he was gone, that he gave up fighting.

Anastasia clasped her hands together, looking around the library once more. She didn't even know where the start, on the Ark, Anastasia was amongst the top people that were the most well read, from documents to literature, but this library was something more. Anastasia had read the majority of the Ark's literature files, but the contents of that file wouldn't even amass to 1/3 of this library. She knew that eventually she would crack up the book, but right now she enjoyed the fact of just sitting in boredom and silence.

Dropping her head to her hands, she couldn't help but reply the memories of her and Bellamy. Every single moment from the Ark to Earth and everything in between. The moment when she hated him, the moments he defended her, the time he lost her trust, the time he won her trust, more importantly the time her broke her heart, and the time he fix it. She couldn't help but get watery eyes as she replayed the memory of Bellamy get beaten by a grounder as she was being dragged in the door closing on her. Suddenly all the happy memories were gone and all she could see was the fallen Bellamy as the door closes, over and over again it replayed. The memory of her holding the jacket melded in with the other one, as it became an entire movie playing in her head.

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