chapter thirty-three

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The 48 have been locked in the dorm room for hours, and it seemed like they're worst fears were coming true, already once Dr

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The 48 have been locked in the dorm room for hours, and it seemed like they're worst fears were coming true, already once Dr.Tsing and a hoard of guards have broken into the room and restricted the others before plucking off one from the pack. It's only been 30 minutes since that event but they knew that she wasn't coming back.

Jasper called a quiet meeting along side some of the bunks near to front of the door, "I need to tell you guys something" he uttered when all of them met up, "I saw Bellamy" he added quickly, getting everyone's attention, but most especially, Anastasia's.

"Bellamy?" She questioned him softly.

Jasper nodded, "When the door was closing, I saw him, with Maya" he explained gulping, "He looked at me"

"We've been locked up for hours" Miller erupted in, "If it was Bellamy" he countered.

"It was Bellamy" Jasper defended, "I'm telling you he's here" He added.

"All right" Miller agreed.

It was Monty's turn to disprove this, "It doesn't make any sense" he argued stepping in front of Jasper.

"I know what I saw" Jasper claimed.

The mood changed when the buzzer was sounded and the doors opened.

"Oh god, not again" Harper pled as the guards pushed them back towards the back of the dorm into a pile. The guards grabbed a hold of Harper.

"Get off of her" Anastasia commanded lunging at the guards as they pushed her back into the herd.

"No, not her" Tsing uttered to the guards indicating Harper, "She needs more time to recover" Dr.Tsing explained, she then began to scan the crowd, "This one" she nudge over to a guy as the guards set Harper down and picked him up carrying him out, ignoring his pleads.

"Stop!" Jasper screamed, "You can't keep doing this to us"

"President Wallace said we could go" Anastasia added stepping up.

"President Wallace is no longer in command" Tsing calmly replied, "He had to step down for health reasons" she reasoned seeming innocent but it was clear that the only health reason for him stepping down is that he wanted the 48 to stay healthy and alive. It was obvious Dr.Tsing and his son had taken over, "I'm sorry it has to be like this" she claimed, "I hope you know you're all incredibly special to us" Tsing put with a devious smile, before the guards began pulling back as they made a run for it before the door collapsed on them.

They were sent back to their ways of walking around and waiting. This time they weren't willing to let this happen.

"We need to fight back" Jasper uttered to the group.

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